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AnacharsisIV t1_jc4cbe8 wrote

Anti black slurs in upper Manhattan? I'm wondering if it was a bunch of Dominican kids picking on a Haitian or something, usually I don't see a lot of anti-black racism there of all places.


redlaundryfan t1_jc4gv0f wrote

It is an underappreciated form of anti-Black racism, and very well could be the case (but we don’t know the details yet).

I was left with a lasting impression by this article of how bad it can be (this is specifically referring to Mexican neighborhoods in LA). It just wasn’t the image I had always conjured up when thinking about “racism”.


Edwunclerthe3rd t1_jc6jzdw wrote

They from the same God damn island that shit is so fucking Ed


1AngryBrotha t1_jc6rj1i wrote

Doesn't matter, Latin America is filled with confused people who cling to colorism to boost their self-esteem. It's a relic of colonialism/slavery thats still part of the culture. The common refrain 'mejorar la raza' (improve the race) encourages miscegenation with whites and lighter skinned Latinos to dilute Black ancestry.