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oreosfly t1_jc4oh0d wrote

That's the shittiest part of this situation. We have so much to lose. Sure, we could deck one of those teenagers and knock them the fuck out and in defense of another kid, but if we are arrested or our names are dragged through the mud by a bunch of Twitter warriors, our paychecks, housing, careers, and livelihoods might be toast. These bum teenagers along with the bum adults who breed them have nothing to lose by acting like a bunch of zoo animals in public. Unless the government holds them accountable for their actions, we're powerless against them.


Henrychinaskismom1 t1_jc5pln5 wrote

Zoo animals are pretty chill. Do you think that animals in the wild pick on other animals just to hurt them. Not even eat them after. A cartoon animal yeah sure I can see that but a zoo animal.


theilya t1_jc6csdg wrote



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