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ChrisFromLongIsland t1_jc6fnec wrote

I feel like I have been reading this same article for 10 years. The double decker trains will not fit through the tunnel. The article fails to mention the reason they don't fit is because the tunnel was built in the 70s to accommodate the F subway train and the LIRR.

The only problem I have is the double decker trains are 3x as comfortable to ride in as the standard cars. No dreaded middle seat. The seats are wider so you are not always touching the person next to you. The suspension is generelly better so the ride is smoother. The seats are taller so there is more head support. Some people do not like the swaying cause the cars are tall but I never really noticed.


pixel_of_moral_decay t1_jc6lpm6 wrote

Yea. It’s almost like they realized they don’t need a unified fleet and this is perfectly fine. They plan to use the double deckers on some lines where they are useful.

Meanwhile the subway has incompatible platforms for its entire existence and the system has cars that can’t run on other lines too… but Gothamist won’t be critiquing that too loudly.

It’s just a piece to complain that MTA dollars were used for LIRR rather than the subway.


notninja t1_jc6ljz2 wrote

I thought only the diesel electric hybrids that take power from the 3rd rail can only go in the east river tunnel? Which I think the lirr has less than 10 engines that do that? The rest are pure diesel.

Weird article we knew this about the north tunnel already. Since the beginning of construction .


koji00 t1_jccvpoj wrote

What should be even more surprising that they are still using Diesel trains in this day and age.


manormortal t1_jc6kvkq wrote

>The tunnel used by trains going to Grand Central Madison was completed in the early 1970s, but it's too small for the LIRR’s diesel trains. The tube runs between Long Island City and East 63rd Street, carrying subway trains on its upper level and LIRR trains on the lower level.


myassholealt t1_jc8c63b wrote

And the double deckers are also cool as fuck to ride. It makes me feel like I'm having a classic train experience with the bell ringing as it's rolling into the station. The [sweet] smell of diesel wafting up. The split levels. It's my favorite. I used to leave work at a specific time just to make sure I get the speonk diesel trains.


Karrick t1_jc7buwn wrote

I've noticed the swaying on NJT's double deckers, but you can always sit on the lower level.