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CTL04980 t1_jdpmo1x wrote

If you're going to do such a project you need to do two things: First, do it as quickly as possible, most opposition comes from people mad that their park will be closed for at least three years. Spend the money to do it more quickly. Second, improve the park in terms of features. If you can show a relatively short time scale and shiny pictures of some neat new features of the park, people will smile and go along with it.

The utter obtuseness of officials who don't understand these two things is a major reason why nothing gets done. This is basic customer service - minimize the interruption and give the customer something for their trouble.

The basic idea can be extended to all city develoment - consider transit planning. You want to build a new subway line you need to build it as quickly as possible and you need to deliver an experience that people really enjoy. Moscow recently demonstrated this, you can look up videos of their new "circle line" on Youtube. They prioritized speed of construction and they built interesting, beautiful stations that make people excited to visit. There are no complaints. For building developments, just make the new building not ugly. Seattle succesfully sped up their development process by removing a host of interruptions in exchange for giving local committees design oversight. It turns out people just wanted things done quickly and to not have to look at some ugly piece of shit forever once it was done.


thereia t1_jdppkv8 wrote

Nobody complains in Moscow because they don’t want to end up accidentally falling out of a window.


deathhand t1_jdrxbss wrote

We have a word specifically for this "defenestrated"


CTL04980 t1_jdpqrr5 wrote

That's racist and ignorant.


thereia t1_jdpqucj wrote

Russian is a race? You’re hilarious.


CTL04980 t1_jdpr11n wrote

Is that how you make yourself feel better about your prejudice and hypocrisy?


thereia t1_jdpr4tq wrote

Welcome comrade. Putin will be pleased.


CTL04980 t1_jdprdou wrote

The USSR, where "comrade" was a relevant term, has been gone for over 30 years. That's three full decades. Are you done embarassing yourself?


OkAssociation3005 t1_jdqqhqk wrote

The USSR, which Putin, in his first speech as an elected official a few decades ago, promised to rebuild.


Tokinruski t1_jdqu7z4 wrote

Looks like you did the embarrassing of yourself here sir….


MandatoryDissent55 t1_jdqv7cu wrote

Maybe don't keep the plans vague and secret and get the city sued, and then when you have to release the plans redact major sections including $300,000,000 of the ambiguous budgeting, and get the city sued again... This entire project is disgusting and corrupt.