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czapatka t1_jchdybc wrote

Have they ever considered a distance-based fare like DC, London or Paris? Even BART is distance-based and it’s $4 to get from Oakland to SF, and they have discounted rides for as little as $1.50 for those who need it with their START program.

The MTA clearly needs to raise their fares while also figuring out a way to subsidize them for individuals or families who can’t afford it.


BurningBeechbone t1_jchtjaf wrote

A distance-based fair is a direct tax on the poor and a discount to the rich. Most New Yorkers work in Manhattan, only the wealthiest live near work.


czapatka t1_jcib2el wrote

That point isn’t lost on me. I was just asking if there was ever a discussion around it, since the MTA is clearly in need of revenue.

If we can’t raise fares or introduce another fare structure, clearly the MTA is in a stalemate with themselves.