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jonnycash11 t1_jcl74i7 wrote

Gosh, you have little understanding of how things work in China.

Buying a home is what gets you a hukou in a big city. The taxes on real estate are what fund public works.

Property tax is not existent because, with very few exceptions, the government owns all of the land. Income tax is negligible in China.

And you keep missing the point where I keep saying that because I am elaborating on why the Shanghai system costs less, it does not mean I am praising the MTA.


casanovaelrey t1_jcldl6r wrote

>Gosh, you have little understanding of how things work in China.

I lived there for 5 years. I know exactly what a hukou is. It's a registeration permit that allows you to live in a specific area, usually related the 1st tier cities. And you can't just buy a property in Shanghai to get a hukou.

"Gosh, you have little understanding of how things work in China."

There are many factors that go into it. Your marital status, how many years you've paid into the system, possession of a residence permit for the specific area, and a bunch of other requirements.

>Buying a home is what gets you a hukou in a big city.

"Gosh, you have little understanding of how things work in China."

Since that is NOT how you get a hukou. I explained some of the things you would need to buy property. Having a hokou allows you to buy property, not the other way around.

These are the requirements for getting a hukou:

Those possessing qualified talent, such as having established a startup, owning patents, founder of or senior management in a leading company;

Those who earned at least a bachelor’s degree overseas;

Those who have newly graduated from university;

Those who are spouses/children/parents of Shanghai-hukou residents;

Those who hold a Shanghai residence permit and have contributed to social insurance in the city for at least seven years.

Not once do I see anything about owning property. You get the privilege of owning property by having a hukou.

So, "Gosh, you have little understanding of how things work in China."

>Property tax is not existent because, with very few exceptions, the government owns all of the land. Income tax is negligible in China.

So this is a Hong Kong paper talking about Mainland China but I'll use it anyways since it's easier to do that than try to get one from behind the firewall in English BUT it is CLEARLY discussing property taxes. So your statement isn't true.

"Gosh, you have little understanding of how things work in China."

That being said, public funding by the Shanghai government and the State of NY is derived from pubic funds, which come from gasp taxes. Either way, both in relative numbers and gross numbers, they're spending similar amounts on public transportation. Only one is doing what it should. The other isn't. It would seem to me that were should figure out how they're doing it, adapt it to our situation, get these mafia clowns and grifters off of public welfare (attaching themselves to public projects) and make the system what it should be.

>And you keep missing the point where I keep saying that because I am elaborating on why the Shanghai system costs less, it does not mean I am praising the MTA.

I do NOT miss the point. You're trying to insinuate that the MTA is doing the best that they can with what they have. That's patently false. Now I don't expect $.50 fares either. That's wild and unrealistic. But for $2.75, we should be getting so much more than what we're getting.


jonnycash11 t1_jclr4bf wrote

I lived in China for much longer than that, have a degree from a Chinese university (taught in Chinese) and ran a small business for several years.

In any case, a hukou is a household registration system created after the Chinese Civil War to prevent farmers from leaving the countryside and flooding into cities. Everyone has one.

You can work and rent in other areas, but you are denied access to certain municipal services, like local health insurance, retirement funds, and high schools for your children if you live in a different area. Working in that area will give you certain benefits, but less than a bonafide resident You also cannot get married in a different city unless you are working there.

That being said, local governments raise money for public works through land sales and taxes on real estate.


casanovaelrey t1_jclsg1x wrote

I know the history of why it was created (or reintroduced). I know all of the reasons why you need one, how to get one, what is for, etc. It doesn't change the fact that you were wrong about a hukou being given for purchasing property.

We're digressing from the point though. The point being that with similar amounts of money, ridership, and size, Shanghai has a far superior metro system for a plethora of reasons. Even if we were to adjust spending to match cost of living, instead of looking at gross numbers, the MTA severely underperforms. Almost at a criminal level, if you ask me


jonnycash11 t1_jcm980w wrote

So, you’re acknowledging that I was correct about municipal revenue. Great we agree then.

We also agree that the MTA could be better.

As for the hukou, you’re either being intentionalIy pedantic or are having trouble following what I said.

Who told you there were other ways to change your household registration without buying property in a new city? Maybe if you’re a party member or doing research in a big city, yes, but otherwise that’s about the only way to do it. You can’t change household registration unless you have a new household!