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NetQuarterLatte OP t1_jcg576m wrote

>"I just want to commend the community members of the Upper West Side. Their quick diligence for calling 911, and the observations they made. These actions by this community up here allowed our precinct officers from the 20 precinct to quickly apprehend who we believe to be the shooter, firearm recovered, and no further incidents," said NYPD Chief of Patrol John Chell.
>A motive in the shootings still hasn't been determined, but investigators for now believe they're gang-related.
>Anyone with any information is asked to call the NYPD's Crime Stoppers hotline at 1-800-577-TIPS (8477), or for Spanish, 1-888-57-PISTA (74782). You can also submit a tip via their website or via DM on Twitter, u/NYPDTips. All calls are kept confidential.


The_Lone_Apple t1_jcg7kej wrote

Bail should be for non-violent offenders. Armed robbery is not non-violent.


Hansen-gun t1_jcg842a wrote

I’m sure the NYPD will use their exquisite people skills like they always do


Grass8989 t1_jcg8vse wrote

So interesting that I tried to share this story and it was delegated to the pending queue with no explanation.


NetQuarterLatte OP t1_jcgaic4 wrote

I tried posting this twice. The first time it lingered in the queue until it got rejected.

This time I sent a modmail respectfully requesting it to be approved with an explanation and the mods responded in a very timely manner.


daved1113 t1_jcgtw0u wrote

Guns are banned in NYC so how is this possible? Sounds like fake news.


TizonaBlu t1_jch28ba wrote

> You have to be 21 and get a permit by the NYPD to own any firearm.

Weird, because in the previous comment you said firearm is banned in NYC, now you’re saying it’s not.

Do you enjoy pwning yourself?


yasth t1_jch2fwc wrote

That simply isn't how bail works in this country and hasn't been in forever. Bail is required to be offered in almost all cases even murder. Otherwise the police could completely destroy lives (how long will your employer let you keep your job while you are in Rikers?) with the mere charge of any violent offense, and just drop charges after a few months of you being in jail without any consequence.


BakedBread65 t1_jchjkgc wrote

>Bail is required to be offered in almost all cases even murder.

Not true, some people are simply remanded.

>Otherwise the police could completely destroy lives (how long will your employer let you keep your job while you are in Rikers?) with the mere charge of any violent offense, and just drop charges after a few months of you being in jail without any consequence.

People often forget that for felonies where bail is set, the case has to be indicted in front of a grand jury within ~3 days of the offense. For violent offenses, that often means the victim has to testify or there needs be some other proof of the violent act.


Everyoneeatshere t1_jchrxtw wrote

Y’all know wat they gonna say. Most nypd school safety were of women of color. removing them from their post means they lose their jobs. A lot of well meaning ppl want to remove cops from school safety but unless u went to nyc public schools, you won’t understand that some are truly the trenches, and police presence is necessary.

Hence why they don’t want this posted. Most mods I assume aren’t from nyc.


daved1113 t1_jciauos wrote

So criminals still have guns even if we ban them? Does that mean banning guns only takes them away from people who aren't criminals and care about the law? There's no way that could be true.


stork38 t1_jciifuk wrote

You make a valid point except none of those people care about the agents or the students who become victims of their policies. Do you think any of the people who are screaming "NYPD out of schools" 3 years ago feel any remorse? Nah


Crimsonwolf1445 t1_jcin2ye wrote

District attorney handles arraignment and everything beyond.

Idk why people feel the need to omit them from their role in our justice system. Cops have no say in anything beyond the initial arrest


Loxodontox t1_jcixnfj wrote

Won’t do a thing unfortunately bc kids don’t look out the same way


NatLawson t1_jck65nu wrote

Innocent until proven guilty, which means - "you" can't be deprived of "your" liberty just because "you" are dating a policeman's ex-girlfriend.

Bail is not punishment.

It is the rightful exchange of equity for process time. If a person, "you" cannot afford bail, it is not "your" problem that the government needs time to prove "you" guilty.

If "you" are not an imminent threat to "your" community, the court "must" forgo bail. If you don't have a record of criminal activity, if you show up each time for hearings, if you pay your fines, "you" should not be forced to post bail.


NetQuarterLatte OP t1_jckce7q wrote

> If "you" are not an imminent threat to "your" community, the court "must" forgo bail.

You must be thinking of another state, because that sweeping statement doesn’t apply to New York.

Courts in NY cannot consider public safety or threat to the public when deciding bail.

In general, NY courts are required to apply the “least restrictive measure” to ensure the appearance in court.

The exception is when the defendant is a threat to a specific and identified person (like in a domestic violence case).

But if it’s just a stupid person (say playing the knockout game targeting random victims), there’s nothing that the NY judicial system can legally do in practice to stop that person from reoffending as many times as they want.


NatLawson t1_jckda1x wrote

If "you" are a persistent felon. "You" should get bail. My point is, bail reform protects "you.". Please stop describing the law in terms of anyone else.

"You" have the right to the presumption of innocence. "You" have the right to due process. Bail is not punishment.

That said, if "you" demonstrate a persistence in criminal activity, "you" should be held until trial.

I agree completely with bail reform.
