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Southern-Ad-2328 t1_jclmf8x wrote

Gammeok posted one video of a man putting soup in a container. There’s no proof that it is this particular soup. I find it very hard to believe the couple went to trouble of finding a rat, cooking it just to swindle some cash from a restaurant.


OhGoodOhMan t1_jcm4xug wrote

The "foreign object in my restaurant food" shakedown has been done before. That said, we're all just speculating.


mowotlarx t1_jcm55fk wrote

>I find it very hard to believe the couple went to trouble of finding a rat, cooking it just to swindle some cash from a restaurant.

Interesting because that is always how these rat/mouse in food stories end up.

Which is more likely? That a scammer pulled a common scam? Or that someone didn't notice they cooked a rat? Or spooned out a rat? We already know the answer.


ColdButts t1_jcmt4vi wrote

The scam is so much more likely. Worked in a lot of gross restaurants with a lot of dumb people, but no one’s fucking dumb enough to actually let an animal fall into a boiling hot pot and not notice. Don’t you think it would splash? Don’t you think it would squeal? Cooks stir the soup before they ladle it out. They stare at the pot to do that. The kitchens have lights. I know this is all mindblowing. Rats or mice in the restaurant? Very likely, here in NYC. Mice are more likely overall, but I’ve seen rats too. Almost certainly cockroaches somewhere in every restaurant as well, even if only in small number and mostly unseen.

But, to answer your question: what is more likely? Well I’ve seen 0 animals in food in my time working in NYC and I’ve had countless clueless, cheap, bored, or outright scammy customers complaining about some shit that isn’t the restaurant’s fault or business. So idk how you managed to get all the yuppies upvoting your clueless armchair guess, but it’s wildly off base.

edit: didn't realize you actually shared my POV lol. Sorry, but what I said still stands for all the racists in here.


RyuNoKami t1_jco6pt8 wrote

right? not even a bit of a rat, no, a full fucking cooked rat. sure. sure.


Harsimaja t1_jcn9u8s wrote

Why do you find this hard to believe? This is one of the most famous and genuinely performed swindles out there. You think that planting a rat from some bag is a limit that people might go to for a lot of money?


DallasMarcie t1_jco5boh wrote

A well to do couple from well off families I might add with prestigious careers. Ambulance chasers I think not. If you said thrill seekers that's more plausible but still highly doubtful. Plus wouldn't you sue if the risk to your life was insulted with a payoff? I think people are forgetting the health implications of this is literally deadly serious. Many people have died from leptospirosis from rats contaminating the lips of containers with pee or droppings (always wash soda cans or even any exposed lid). What more of a whole rat with the other things they carry inside their bodies like parasites. Those things are harder to kill with heat even. So yeah let that sink in and try not to treat it as a joke and see if you wouldn't go through the same thing when it does happen to you.


mowotlarx t1_jcoru4b wrote

>well to do couple from well off families

Literally nothing in any article about them mentions this. The wife is an "editor" for low circulation web magazines mostly with her name attached to poorly written ads pretending to be articles about The Best Mascara. With a quick Google search, I'm left more convinced this is a scam than before.


fattythrow2020 t1_jcp0od6 wrote

A quick search shows that she’s a blogger (sorry, “editor”) in her 40s who probably makes like max 50-75k a year. How is that “well off” or prestigious? She’s a joke with nothing to lose. Lmao

Your entire post history is about this incident only. Bet they looked for restaurants with low grades and went for it. F off.