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Manonemo t1_jd0bx04 wrote

I dont know which country you are from, but in USA there is main legal base called Constitution. It says something about "Freedom of speech". (Yeah its joke, I know). Then there is also clause about not discriminating (sex, religion, ethnicity, political affiliation) but thats also joke.

The funnyness of it all is underlined by Usa just in past decades openly invading several other countries, that are in such a heavenly shape after USA delivered democracy and freedom.

If anyone can explain a difference between usa delivered freedom and Putin delivered freedom, cause as far I can say that Putin invaded only one country in decades, while Bush invaded several in several years. Is anyone fired for having pictures taken with him at his preinvasion times anywhere in the world???


BigBlueNY t1_jd13nfr wrote

Political affiliation isn't protected under the Constitution.


Manonemo t1_jd1fe6p wrote

You are correct. Only gov employees have that benefit. Everyone else is free game to be discriminated. My bad. To my defense, once upon a time I believed Usa to be better than average totalitarian regime. The thinking, intelligent people knows thats not the case.


midtownguy70 t1_jdbs53u wrote

What are you some kind of Putin lover? Fuck Russia.


Manonemo t1_jdclhtw wrote

😆 so if someone isnt hater like you - then its Putin lover? 🤣🤣🤣 you are having exact Russian communist mentality. It will be really hard for you to grasp that there are peopke around who have brain. Like I dont have to like Rusdia or agree with it but I dont have to be mentally challenge insecure primitive that lash out on everyone around just because they are from some country. 🙄... I know, I know.. beyond your grasp ..


[deleted] t1_jdczre7 wrote



[deleted] t1_jdd0suk wrote



midtownguy70 t1_jdd1t39 wrote

Two wrongs don't make a right. I was against invading Iraq too. And I can also be against Russia. It doesn't have any contradiction with my opinion of maniac Putin and the disgusting Russians who still support him. Again, fuck Russia. It's a filthy backward dictatorship that should be crushed like a giant roach.


Manonemo t1_jdd7aaz wrote

So were you lynching every American because of that? Nah. You just lash out at successful opera singer and everyone who refuse to be same troll.