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OhMySultan t1_je5gt67 wrote

The hell are you talking about man? Tenant isn’t obligated to sign on a lease renewal, they’re just entitled to receive one if they’re in good standing per the lease agreement.

You and a couple others in this sub have been spreading misinformation about Good Cause. Either you’re a shady ass landlord or you love covering for them. You were in another thread saying this will only increase housing discrimination, lmfao. Lack of regulation has never helped vulnerable people, but it’s clear which side you’re on.


KaiDaiz t1_je5h3gw wrote

> receive one if they’re in good standing per the lease agreement.

with price caps on the increase....missing that much again? essentially making market unit rent regulated with a perpetual lease

> You were in another thread saying this will only increase housing discrimination, lmfao.

oh it will def