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PoopEmoji8618 t1_je9nalv wrote

Really curious to see how many interactions they had in one day sitting in the booth. I feel like most of the time I see them, they’re not even paying attention to anything or anyone


myassholealt t1_jea5xdv wrote

Or when you approach they give you a 10 second stare, then slowly respond as if you were disturbing them on their vacation to ask them about MTA stuff, and they're holding back their wrath to be courteous and respond. Some of them.

I've had waay more interactions with nice booth agents than bad ones, but the bad ones unfortunately leaving a lasting memory.


DrugUserName69420 t1_je9oo1f wrote

By me none of the card readers and machines work so you need to contact them quite often


audigex t1_jebz7r9 wrote

As a tourist I tried to talk to one and was basically ignored

A few days later I again tried to talk to one and was essentially told they didn’t care

I gave up after that