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Tsquare43 t1_jcycqq4 wrote

The State hasn't figured out to milk that cow dry yet. They all want a cut of what is surely to a be lucrative stream of revenue.


BakedBread65 t1_jczkt1x wrote

No they had to find the perfect person who had marijuana conviction, but none or a negligible criminal history aside from that, who also was driven and capable of opening a small business. Then that person had to jump through complex regulations. No wonder.


thejimla t1_jd09gms wrote

In addition to also having to been born on a Tuesday while mercury was in retrograde, they need to work with another new bureaucracy DASNY to locate a retail property and sign a lease agreement.


bittoxic00 t1_jcyllpv wrote

This, every politician in office is salivating on earmarking that money for ‘schools’ and taking the press but in reality trading it for favors


RW3Bro t1_jcz08ft wrote

This is largely the doing of the State legislature’s Black caucus. They held up legalization for years in a political climate where both the leftists and moderates/liberals agreed it was the right thing to do, because the Black Caucus wanted the first licenses to be reserved for Black people. The State did what was legal in reserving them for “justice involved individuals,” but the damage was done and the rollout has been slow as all hell because of it.

Here’s a 2019 write up from the NYT about it.


socialcommentary2000 t1_jczdigx wrote

Awesome. I'm glad it panned out this way too.

I hope the State ends up getting a fraction of the tax money they should have from this because that, my friend, is actual justice.

Fuck them.