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Agitated_Jicama_2072 t1_jczpzcw wrote

More Cops died from Covid than anything else. Get real. Percentage wise, being a cop is rather safe and one of the least dangerous jobs in the country.


Buddynorris t1_jcztrje wrote

That's actually not true. The part about it being one of the least dangerous jobs. And danger doesnt just mean death btw. I love your endless ranting all over this thread, please keep going.


testcyp76 t1_jd1h47f wrote

It's completely true about it being one of the least dangerous jobs. Ranks 22 out of 25. As previously mentioned, many of the more recent deaths were COVID related. Historically, at least half of their on duty deaths were traffic accidents or heart attacks.


Buddynorris t1_jd1lpwf wrote

I think you lack reading comprehension no offense. This is a TOP 25 MOST DANGEROUS JOBS LIST, meaning any of these jobs are dangerous by nature. Also, like I said above, danger does not alone equal death. Everyone and their mom says the same regurgitated info, without even understanding it to begin with. fascinating stuff.


testcyp76 t1_jd2d0ku wrote

"That's actually not true. The part about it being one of the least dangerous jobs."

I think my reading comprehension is fine. The opposite of least, is most. This list (and many others like it), show policing is not nearly as dangerous as police unions would have you believe. It's true, danger doesn't necessarily correlate directly with death, but it's a large part of it. Firefighters have an inherently dangerous job because of the high rate of injuries and things like smoke inhalation.


Crimsonwolf1445 t1_jd2qavm wrote

If its too 25 out if ALL jobs in human existence thats pretty dangerous


sdotmills t1_jd33jx3 wrote

I can’t believe OP doesn’t get this. Talk about confirmation bias.


Crimsonwolf1445 t1_jd3dzr9 wrote

They realized early on they fucked up by mis reading but its waaaaaaaay too late to back down on an argument they have been foolishly making for years most likely. Now they are just gonna double and triple down or ignore replies


Buddynorris t1_jd3oqs7 wrote

You still don't get it. OUT OF ALL JOBS, IT RANKS 22 ON THE TOP 25 MOST DANGEROUS, just because a logger is more dangerous doesn't make policing not dangerous. Very easy to understand.


testcyp76 t1_jd3rdzx wrote

Stop yelling at me Buddy Norris. Use your indoor voice.