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Objective_Guard_4357 t1_jd2o4ge wrote

And? This is a widely known fact. The department still has terrible community relations in minority neighborhoods. How are you gunna have a force made up of minorities and STILL have the public image the department has.

Like when Pat Lynches son pulled a gun on his Latino neighbors and proceeded to Accuse them of being Trinitarios.

Grew up around cops my whole life, I can keep namedropping shitheads who get protected by their brothers in blue.


sdotmills t1_jd33feu wrote

Yea you hate cops, stunning and brave take.


[deleted] t1_jd4d34f wrote



sdotmills t1_jd4d9uc wrote

Damn I’ve upset you so much you’re following me around the sub, lucky me. Learn the words you use boss, otherwise you show everyone your ignorance.


[deleted] t1_jd4ey0y wrote



sdotmills t1_jd4f6ym wrote

Been here 10 years longer than you and I’m brigading? Should learn to live with differing viewpoints, you sound like a child calling everyone you disagree with a fascist. Based on your post history you live in a WILD echo chamber.


Evening_Presence_927 t1_jd4fkp0 wrote

Bruh I’ve been here for about a decade myself. I’ve just been a lurker for a long time. I’m just calling a fascist a fascist. If anything, you live in the echo chamber by siding with the bootlickers on this sub.