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Dont_mute_me_bro t1_jd2vtx8 wrote

I respect the fact that an investigation takes time and that a case must be thoroughly investigated, but this is a long time coming. The fact that members of Bragg's staff who were assigned to the case resigned from their jobs during the investigation is like rats leaving a ship- not a good sign that it's a strong case. The star witnesses (a crooked lawyer and a porn star) aren't exactly pillars of the community, which doesn't help. The fact that Tish James didn't do anything either is also a sign that this is no slam dunk.

If it fails, at a certain point, it's going to seem like a witch hunt if they don't get something to stick.


Rottimer t1_jd3eyzf wrote

How can you know about the the members of his staff leaving, but not know the details. They quit in protest because Bragg did not feel the case was yet strong enough. They told anyone that would listen that Trump was a criminal and Bragg was wrong to DELAY indicting him.


Dont_mute_me_bro t1_jd7f6q9 wrote

CNN is becoming akin to Fox- a narrative spinner. That said, those dudes quit right after the disastrous laughingstock Kyle Rittenhouse trial, where the prosecutors became internationally synonymous with ineptness and failed prosecutorial over-reach (because the were pressured to bring a weak case). Anyway, let's see how the case plays out.
