IntelligentNerve1394 t1_jd56w8l wrote
This congestion pricing is stupid. More money for the state and NOTHING in return for the average NY’er. If you think this will lower traffic, it won’t! Just wait till prices go up on everything because of this. The speed cameras are doing an impeccable job at stopping speeders huh? This city needs cars and trucks to survive.
theageofnow t1_jd5s3wd wrote
>NOTHING in return for the average NY’er.
how about less congestion in Manhattan (and probably Brooklyn, Queens, and The Bronx) and more dedicated funding for the transit system that a majority of New Yorkers use?
[deleted] t1_jd7aa2s wrote
Callingallcowards t1_jegsk1w wrote
The environmental review has showed that pollution will worsen in the Bronx (and Staten Island). Doesn't seem fair for the bronx to take the brunt of this
IntelligentNerve1394 t1_jd695ma wrote
You really thing a stupid toll will lower congestion? Lmao! The mta Mishandles funds on a consistent basis. Trains and busses always late. Sometimes they don’t even come. And you think throwing more money will fix shit? You are delusional. You obviously don’t understand how this works. All those tolls we pay already and the streets are filled with potholes.
theageofnow t1_jd6f540 wrote
I don’t think “throwing more money” will fix the MTA, but I do think less money will make things worse. I do think there is an enormous amount of deferred maintenance that makes things more expensive to run.
I do think people respond to tolls by driving less. I know I do.
IntelligentNerve1394 t1_jd6fqoq wrote
Less money? That money was never there to begin with so how is it less without it? And people who have no choice but to drive for work MUST pay. If you only knew the amount of money that will be coming out of the pockets of people who aren’t really doing well financially( delivery drivers are making Pennie’s on the dollar now), I don’t think you would be for this. It just doesn’t make any sense why non drivers are promoting this BS money grab by the city. This is NYC, traffic will never ease up no matter how much they charge to get in.
tickleMyBigPoop OP t1_jd5hg7q wrote
> This city needs cars and trucks to survive.
Doesn't need cars.
IntelligentNerve1394 t1_jd5kpne wrote
Lol. You think that all deliveries in the city are made with trucks? Ignorance is bliss. Just say you want the poor to get out of the city to not inconvenience the rich. Just remove all cars from the city and take away all the street lights. They you can walk in the middle of the street without a care in the world. The rich won’t care about the price increases as long as the peasants aren’t around anymore. Funny thing is that ALL the surrounding boroughs have the same traffic problems yet they only want to implement this “congestion” crap where all the money and rich people are at. LOL gimme a break.
tickleMyBigPoop OP t1_jd5t91i wrote
> Just say you want the poor to get out of the city to not inconvenience the rich.
The poor don't drive in NYC they take the subway.
> You think that all deliveries in the city are made with trucks
mostly trucks, deliver vans or freight rail which has a last mile deliver via truck/van
>They you can walk in the middle of the street without a care in the world.
Do you realize the subway exists?
IntelligentNerve1394 t1_jd682ho wrote
You are clearly misinformed as to what and who actually delivers in the city. I can bet 50% of the deliveries that are made in the city are “ private cars”. How would you know if a car is being used for deliveries or not? Just because the plates aren’t commercial or the car doesn’t have stickers all over it doesn’t mean they aren’t working delivering. Subways are for people and roads are for Cars. All these stupid bike lanes weren’t enough for you? It’s crazy to me that “congestion” tolls are wanted ONLY by those who DONT DRIVE. the city needs to add a tax for walking on the sidewalks, let’s c how you like it.
Small_Soil_9000 t1_jd7tbpo wrote
The poor drive in Queens, tons of areas with poor transit access that it makes more sense to buy a car.
theageofnow t1_jd5s8ud wrote
>You think that all deliveries in the city are made with trucks?
Congestion pricing will be a boon for deliveries. Delivery drivers will be able to make more deliveries with less private cars congesting the roadways
IntelligentNerve1394 t1_jd7t5vs wrote
Make more deliveries? Unless you talking about Uber eats or DoorDash, daily deliveries are mostly already set. A driver doesn’t magically get another load for deliveries while ALREADY being in the city. They would have to leave and come back just to PAY another toll. Make it make sense. You can go back and forth all you want but the bottom line is that it will help NOONE but the city(more money). Don’t cry when every single thing you need goes up in price again because of this.
theageofnow t1_jd7tis2 wrote
Right, just because they’re “set” doesn’t mean they can’t be unset and reset. In one of my previous careers I regularly had to book van couriers for deliveries. That business could potentially be more efficient. In my current business I have deliveries made in NYC from a warehouse in Connecticut. That happens whenever I need to order materials, it’s not “set”.
IntelligentNerve1394 t1_jd7ujx9 wrote
So how would you explain that delivery drivers can make more deliveries if there is no congestion. You would still have to travel out of the city to get the things you are delivering. You are ok with companies paying the same toll multiple times to get product into the city? Seems to me like people want this more for the city to get money rather than less cars. It just doesn’t make sense to me at all. Like I said before I bet you would have a different tune if this would be a toll on Walking around the city. There’s millions of people that congest the sidewalks daily, why not tax them also if they want to walk around?
theageofnow t1_jd7vnfy wrote
Hi, truck gets loaded up at the warehouse based on a route. More stops can be added to the route, a real tangible increase in productivity and commerce. Truck capacity is rarely an issue. If you have a simple office job or service job where you don’t have any sort of exposure to these sorts of deliveries or commerce, I understand how it might be difficult to conceptualize, but in aggregate these make a majority of deliveries by weight and volume, not Amazon boxes and door dash, which may be more visible to laymen.
IntelligentNerve1394 t1_jd7xfgn wrote
How can more stops be added when the truck has already left the warehouse with only what was supposed to be delivered on the route he has. Do you think companies send drivers with extra inventory in hopes that someone will place another order???? You are totally missing the point. There is absolutely no way to get more product onto a truck once said truck has left the warehouse to complete its route unless it’s coming back to home base to reload. There are thousands of businesses that don’t rely on huge trucks to get to them. It’s sad that you don’t realize that atleast 50% of orders placed by businesses don’t require trucks or vans. It’s the little guys with their personal cars doing the running around.
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