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Sparrow186 t1_iubnmzf wrote

Rules for thee but not for me. Fuck every single New York State politician.


Lovat69 t1_iubqu4j wrote

Could it be a security measure?


wookietennis t1_iubrs3p wrote

A State Police spokesman confirmed the plate numbers are designed to remain anonymous “as a security measure,” adding such protocol has been in place roughly 50 years.


someone_whoisthat t1_iue7vfj wrote

Is Hochul any more likely to be targeted than other high-profile people? Mayor Adams? AOC?

How about Trump? Or his children?


wookietennis t1_iueb5nq wrote

Probably not? But are any of those people governors?


Sparrow186 t1_iubr1ke wrote

So they control the traffic camera system, they can track my car and your car. Who would that keep them safe from? themselves?


Lovat69 t1_iubvzta wrote

Even governments can get hacked/penetrated. The article itself states it's a security measure that has been in effect for years. If you know that isn't the case let me know.


Sparrow186 t1_iubw63h wrote

So if the government can get hacked that means anyone can track you were me but we’re not important enough to be protected? That seems to be a trend with this state government. It’s total bullshit that they can do whatever they want with impunity but you and me have to follow all the rules, and I’m never gonna stop calling them out on that bullshit.


Lovat69 t1_iuc7x8u wrote

We are also far less likely to be targeted for kidnapping by militias like Whitmer was. Mmmmm sweet anonymity.


Sparrow186 t1_iuc835q wrote

Well lucky for those politicians they have 24 hour police protection, and they’re exempt from most gun control laws. Oh and those police are armed with weapons that are illegal to own by law abiding civilians.


Yourgrandsonishere t1_iueadkn wrote

In the grand scheme of things, we are not that important. Now I believe every human life is precious, but this world is unfair, always has been and always will be. Some people are more at risk because of the things they do whether your a gov official, law enforcement or even spys.

Who are we to be tracked? If anyone wants to track you, it’ll be someone inside your circle who is most likely not a cyber security expert.

There are bigger fishes to fry than barking at some security measure that has been in place for decades.

If anyone is hacking government technical infrastructure, it’ll most likely be another country.

What would china gain by hacking me?

Aside from it all, hacking isn’t even the big deal in all of this. There must be a more practical reason.

This is not a hill to die on but by all means do you.


Dichotopotamus t1_iuf2a5y wrote

I bet anything it's just to weave thru traffic and beat red lights.

It's like how during lunch hour every ambulance in Brooklyn that finished a call late suddenly has another emergency to get to they must ignore traffic laws for.


grandzu t1_iufow5f wrote

State political vehicles have been like that for decades


ooouroboros t1_iuc435t wrote

Who typifies this better than Trump and thus his loyalists?


Sparrow186 t1_iuc45wn wrote

I agree everyone should be held accountable no one should escape it. That’s why I said fuck all New York State politicians, not just the Red/Blue guys.


ooouroboros t1_iuc4a8f wrote

To other people reading this: VOTE and don't let anyone try to bamboozle you into thinking they're 'all the same' and voting is a waste of time.


Sparrow186 t1_iuc4cu0 wrote

I never said you shouldn’t vote, but ultimately I believe all politicians are trash and don’t give a fuck about anyone but themselves.


[deleted] t1_iubxpdz wrote



co_matic t1_iubysst wrote

Daddy GOP, please save us from the bad men with paper plates!


Sparrow186 t1_iubxz6q wrote

Laws are just like locks, they only keep honest people honest, and in today’s day and age where there’s almost 0 consequences for breaking the law why obey? I do because I was raised that way and out of fear, but there seems to be literally zero consequence to driving like a fucking maniac on the roads these days. And now the people who are supposed to legislate that shit just say oh yeah and Exempt from all of it? Hard pass.