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tuberosum t1_iue6385 wrote

Her security detail is provided by NYS Police. Let’s say that they stop this “cloak” immediately, tomorrow, what exactly changes?

The state will penalize the state for driving around in the service of the state?

Additionally, those vehicles in the article all have flashing lights, and are driven by cops as is, what’s preventing them from driving around with their lights on which allows them broad latitude in obeying speed limits and traffic lights?


someone_whoisthat t1_iue8wp5 wrote

It's for transparency, something that's been lacking in both Cuomo's and Hochul's administrations.

Why are traffic camera violations public record for everyone else?

To your second point, they should be respecting all traffic laws, except for true emergencies.


_neutral_person t1_iuern7c wrote

It's been missing for 50 years according to the post. I wonder if she even knew this was happening.


someone_whoisthat t1_iuf4bat wrote

That's misleading because traffic violation cameras have only been around since 2014.


_neutral_person t1_iug83ac wrote

I think you are misreading. They never said they are immune from the traffic cameras. They said the vehicles are not in the DMV database.


tuberosum t1_iue9l7w wrote

Fair, but they'll just claim that it's all a true emergency. After all, they're carrying a VIP, etc...