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The_Question757 t1_iqrky4g wrote

I do bro, especially in crappy ass weather and I do cash so they don't get taxed on it. Still a tough ass job.


[deleted] t1_iqrmnqq wrote

I think it’s funny how people brag about abetting tax fraud.

I’m not judging you—I do it, too—but it’s funny when you think about it. I would never underreport my income to the IRS, yet I’m happy to help others do it.


The_Question757 t1_iqrn2nx wrote

> abetting

not bragging I was clarifying that I do tip and spare me the self-righteous bullcrap. the service industry is freaking soul sucking, go after all those jerkoffs who took out covid loans and never needed them or didn't use them on the things they were supposed to.


[deleted] t1_iqrn5bc wrote

I edited a bit to clarify, because I realized how judgmental it came off originally. No judgment intended. I do it too.


The_Question757 t1_iqrnf2s wrote

fair enough then, I see people get upset about that crap and it blows my mind about the focus on the cut of a finger vs the gunshot wound scenario.


[deleted] t1_iqrnxu5 wrote

I’d certainly like to see everyone taxed fairly on their actual income, with zero tax fraud, but caring about servers underreporting a few thousand dollars in tips a year is stupid when billionaires are doing the same thing on a much larger scale.