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[deleted] t1_itx9zke wrote

I mean, it’s inconsiderate and annoying but if I really want to sit, I just sit or motion to whoever is hogging the seat and usually people move their shit.


Distancefrom t1_itxawpc wrote

Agree. Usually just saying "Excuse me" and moving toward the seat solves the problem. Maybe the person is distracted, or tired, or just not paying attention.


Ted_Dance_Son t1_ity6265 wrote

I love the death glare that like 20% of people will give you for saying a simple excuse me.


hagamablabla t1_ity8mkq wrote

Their death glare has nothing on the tired look of annoyance I give back.


TheDoctor_Forever t1_ityafvy wrote

Their death glares don’t affect me because I don’t make eye contact with people on the train


iamnyc t1_itxrzi5 wrote

That’s never the case.


cakeschristmas OP t1_itxalx5 wrote

Oh for sure. As it gets worse, I feel more emboldened, especially because I am on my feet my entire 8+ hour work day, often without a single sit break.

But I’m not complaining that I’m too timid to tell some dick to close their legs so I can sit down. I’m stating amazement that anyone feels comfortable even acting that way to begin with.


BurtNonnegut t1_itxxavu wrote

“But I’m not complaining”

OP complains throughout entire thread


cakeschristmas OP t1_ityun4i wrote

I didn't say I wasn't complaining. I was clarifying what I was complaining about. The sentence said, "But I’m not complaining that I’m too timid to tell some dick to close their legs so I can sit down." Meaning, like, the sentence I wrote was not "I'm not complaining." I was definitely complaining.


WickershamBrotha t1_itxodmz wrote

maybe your job should let you sit too


cakeschristmas OP t1_itxrjta wrote

I am down to abolish work if that’s where you’re going


Uiluj t1_ity4vgh wrote

unionize and try to get breaks where you can sit and drink water, at least.


Darrkman t1_ity6snz wrote

How dare you tell a sub full of passive aggressive transplants that actually speaking up gives results.


hellsgates t1_ity056o wrote

If you want / need a seat and you’re not old or infirmed, say something. Hogs are hogs. If they don’t respond sit on them.


Souperplex t1_itxwf0x wrote

Yep. If they don't, then I throw it and sit where it was. Haven't had to do so in a while.
