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appl135auc3 t1_itxpew3 wrote

Also people don’t wait for you to exit the train they just rush on the second the doors open now


venustrapsflies t1_itxyfwq wrote

I think all covid did is make us forgot about all this shit that always happened


SpektrumKid t1_ity3g2z wrote

a 2 year respite from the slog of living in this city has put a new hard spotlight on shit we took for granted.


businesslut t1_itxr84s wrote

Im a broader guy so I literally just barrel through those trying to push onto the train.


spencerIG t1_itxuki4 wrote

Same here. I don’t want to do it, but I end up slamming into people. I’m a student, gotta get to class.


Morsexier t1_itxy2x2 wrote

I usually say loudly "out of the way" and people are like shocked i semi yelled and move quickly looking down at the ground.


fizzak t1_itxz9st wrote

I'm a narrower guy so I just turn and go between them.


businesslut t1_ity1069 wrote

Spread your arms and gently touch their torsos as you pass


JayMoots t1_itxumku wrote

This has been the case for the entire two decades I’ve been riding the subway.


iliveoffofbagels t1_ity1cc4 wrote

That has always been the case. It was yesterday. It was the case even during the pandemic. It was the case 3 years ago, 10 years ago, 20 years ago. Just move with purpose. The perosn will either wake up and get out of the way, be intimidated out of the way, or you'll bump into each other. Just go my bad and keep walking.