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iRedditAlreadyyy t1_ity02l0 wrote

I had an old woman start yelling at me that I didn’t slide over when a tourist girl opted to squeeze herself in the seat crammed up right against the pole attached to the middle of the bench.

I was reading and she never even said anything to me so I assumed she just wanted to sit on her friends lap. But no, some other old woman took it upon herself to yell at me because I didn’t read the room and move for the girl.

Honestly, if you want a seat or need someone to move over, it’s respectful to just ask. Not all of us are hyper focused on what other people are doing around us. I’m not an asshole. I just mind my own business and don’t stare at what other people are doing. So basically people; we are all adults. Use your words and say “excuse me can I sit there” or “excuse me can you move your bag so I can sit”. It’s not the end of the world.