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[deleted] t1_itx9zke wrote

I mean, it’s inconsiderate and annoying but if I really want to sit, I just sit or motion to whoever is hogging the seat and usually people move their shit.


Distancefrom t1_itxawpc wrote

Agree. Usually just saying "Excuse me" and moving toward the seat solves the problem. Maybe the person is distracted, or tired, or just not paying attention.


Ted_Dance_Son t1_ity6265 wrote

I love the death glare that like 20% of people will give you for saying a simple excuse me.


hagamablabla t1_ity8mkq wrote

Their death glare has nothing on the tired look of annoyance I give back.


TheDoctor_Forever t1_ityafvy wrote

Their death glares don’t affect me because I don’t make eye contact with people on the train


iamnyc t1_itxrzi5 wrote

That’s never the case.


cakeschristmas OP t1_itxalx5 wrote

Oh for sure. As it gets worse, I feel more emboldened, especially because I am on my feet my entire 8+ hour work day, often without a single sit break.

But I’m not complaining that I’m too timid to tell some dick to close their legs so I can sit down. I’m stating amazement that anyone feels comfortable even acting that way to begin with.


BurtNonnegut t1_itxxavu wrote

“But I’m not complaining”

OP complains throughout entire thread


cakeschristmas OP t1_ityun4i wrote

I didn't say I wasn't complaining. I was clarifying what I was complaining about. The sentence said, "But I’m not complaining that I’m too timid to tell some dick to close their legs so I can sit down." Meaning, like, the sentence I wrote was not "I'm not complaining." I was definitely complaining.


WickershamBrotha t1_itxodmz wrote

maybe your job should let you sit too


cakeschristmas OP t1_itxrjta wrote

I am down to abolish work if that’s where you’re going


Uiluj t1_ity4vgh wrote

unionize and try to get breaks where you can sit and drink water, at least.


Darrkman t1_ity6snz wrote

How dare you tell a sub full of passive aggressive transplants that actually speaking up gives results.


hellsgates t1_ity056o wrote

If you want / need a seat and you’re not old or infirmed, say something. Hogs are hogs. If they don’t respond sit on them.


Souperplex t1_itxwf0x wrote

Yep. If they don't, then I throw it and sit where it was. Haven't had to do so in a while.


EscapeGoat81 t1_itxos0t wrote

I once asked someone to move his bag so I could sit, and he said no. So I said I would sit on his bag. I don’t know what came over me - I’m going to end up stabbed.

Got the seat though!


edtheoddfish t1_itxriy1 wrote

I did the same thing once, I sized the person up to be a spoiled brat, I was right, but it was dumb.


iv2892 t1_itxz3dn wrote

Do you want to be on the front page on the NY post because that’s how you end up being on their front page


SpektrumKid t1_ity39ka wrote

That's how I feel about cars parked on the sidewalk. If they don't move out of the way and they say "go around".... I often feel like I wish I knew parkour so I could just jump and slide over the roof. That's technically 'around'.


MysteriousHedgehog23 t1_itxfdkv wrote

Simply stand in front of the seat and say “excuse me” so they move their bag. Don’t make more of this then necessary. Most people will respond


chilliwog t1_itxgqhs wrote

Lol I had one person put his LUGGAGE (with wheels) on the empty seat. You know the person is crazy when they do something like that so best to leave them be.


BurnTheCrown t1_itxn87b wrote

9/10 times people will move shit if you politely ask.


cC2Panda t1_ity7s0u wrote

I just close one eye and point at the seat I want and it works almost every time.


appl135auc3 t1_itxpew3 wrote

Also people don’t wait for you to exit the train they just rush on the second the doors open now


venustrapsflies t1_itxyfwq wrote

I think all covid did is make us forgot about all this shit that always happened


SpektrumKid t1_ity3g2z wrote

a 2 year respite from the slog of living in this city has put a new hard spotlight on shit we took for granted.


businesslut t1_itxr84s wrote

Im a broader guy so I literally just barrel through those trying to push onto the train.


spencerIG t1_itxuki4 wrote

Same here. I don’t want to do it, but I end up slamming into people. I’m a student, gotta get to class.


Morsexier t1_itxy2x2 wrote

I usually say loudly "out of the way" and people are like shocked i semi yelled and move quickly looking down at the ground.


fizzak t1_itxz9st wrote

I'm a narrower guy so I just turn and go between them.


businesslut t1_ity1069 wrote

Spread your arms and gently touch their torsos as you pass


JayMoots t1_itxumku wrote

This has been the case for the entire two decades I’ve been riding the subway.


iliveoffofbagels t1_ity1cc4 wrote

That has always been the case. It was yesterday. It was the case even during the pandemic. It was the case 3 years ago, 10 years ago, 20 years ago. Just move with purpose. The perosn will either wake up and get out of the way, be intimidated out of the way, or you'll bump into each other. Just go my bad and keep walking.


Darbies t1_itxw5ce wrote

One half of sub: Just be a human and talk to the person

Other half of sub: Imminent death, ignore at all costs


ChrisNYC70 t1_itxltuf wrote

Subway rides have always been horrible human beings. They don’t pay. They don’t use ear buds when listening to their phone or worse have a speaker hooked up to it so we all listen to their music at top volume. They smoke in the car. They lay cross taking up two or more spaces. They throw trash on the floor. In decades of using the subway the only time that everyone was being thoughtful and considerate and obeying the rules of civilization was during the peak of Covid when I was the only one in a car.


brooklynbotz t1_itxqasb wrote

If I'm just standing there and a seat in front of me opens up but I don't want to sit why would I be in the wrong to continue standing in my spot? If you want the seat just say excuse me and sit down.


dortenzio1991 t1_itxx5ro wrote

> What is wrong with the people who stand in front of a seat blocking anyone from sitting in, and also not sitting in it themselves?

What lol. Sometimes I just don’t feel like sitting, and have nowhere else to stand, or don’t feel like moving. Just walk up to the seat and sit in it, most people will move out of your way.


iliveoffofbagels t1_ity0le0 wrote

Also... some people stand because they have a destination two stops away and actually know where they are going. They aint about that wait til the last second to be trapped on a seat by incoming commuters life.


cte_fans t1_itxo3cj wrote

speak up and they will move, them the rules


9171213 t1_itxsedr wrote

Agreed. One woman I bumped into had her boba tea and meal in the seat. I politely asked if I can sit…then proceeded to sit down. She was might have been annoyed but idk. I thought it was strange that she put her food on the floor when I sat.

Ppl really have limited compassion. It’s really bizarre folks do this. I agree that most ppl will move if you ask. It’s just hard having to ask for something that is a given: seats are for people to sit.


ShippingPlusTax t1_itxqvhx wrote

Since the pandemic? It’s always been like that


breathingwaves t1_itxnkfh wrote

You could always just ask them if you could sit there. What’s the worst they could say? No?


holeeray t1_itxvgfx wrote

I got on the 1 train today. When I sat down, there were plenty of seats available, but I sat down next to a shopping bag with some kind of a food container that I guess someone had left behind. I was on for a few stops so the train filled up and for some reason people seemed to assume it was mine. Give me all the dirty looks you want, people, but I'm not touching some random plastic back with garbage in it.


iRedditAlreadyyy t1_ity02l0 wrote

I had an old woman start yelling at me that I didn’t slide over when a tourist girl opted to squeeze herself in the seat crammed up right against the pole attached to the middle of the bench.

I was reading and she never even said anything to me so I assumed she just wanted to sit on her friends lap. But no, some other old woman took it upon herself to yell at me because I didn’t read the room and move for the girl.

Honestly, if you want a seat or need someone to move over, it’s respectful to just ask. Not all of us are hyper focused on what other people are doing around us. I’m not an asshole. I just mind my own business and don’t stare at what other people are doing. So basically people; we are all adults. Use your words and say “excuse me can I sit there” or “excuse me can you move your bag so I can sit”. It’s not the end of the world.


Sally_Klein t1_itxkpr0 wrote

Someone did a super wide man-spread today to block my 4yo from sitting next to him


kkkktttt00 t1_itxrign wrote

Did you say anything?


Sally_Klein t1_itxsdyq wrote

Someone nearby scooted over for him so we moved pretty quickly. But I definitely shot him a look lol


TrekkerMcTrekkerface t1_itxm7z5 wrote

Life will be better when you stop complaining on the internet and take action in life. Yes way more people hog seats now than before, I see this too. But just tell them to move. 98% quickly move. for the 2% that don't move, push their shit on the floor or wedge yourself in there.


JanaT2 t1_itxnqdr wrote

Listen when people do this leave it be they are looking for a fight


Hadrians_Fall t1_itxv9vp wrote

Just say excuse me, it’s not that big a deal


vinciblechunk t1_ity1o44 wrote

Keeping the seat next to you empty became "the new normal" because we were all "practicing social distancing" and what did you expect


sheerfire96 t1_itxp3xp wrote

People on here saying “just ask them to move it!!” But like people are straight up forgetting the etiquette of transit. Don’t hot the seat, take your backpack off when you’re standing, don’t bring your bike on the train (you have a bike, why are you riding the subway??). Yeah ask people to move their shit but I remember a time where it was rare if I ever had to ask that


WasherDrye t1_itxxold wrote

Or for that matter, the guy who takes the middle seat in the three seater, leaving just the spots right next to him open on both sides. Like, what? Are you daring me, sir? Cuz I’m taking that seat.


ViennettaLurker t1_itxmv2f wrote

I'd settle for usual man spreading as opposed to people who sit on one seat and stretch their legs across two seats like they're playing the floor is lava. At least a man spread only takes one extra seat.


Scarlet_Night t1_itxr9i8 wrote

I dislike those seat hogs. The worst is when they barely move over because they still intend on keeping their bag on the seat. I sit and make myself comfortable until I utter under my breath “perhaps your bag would be more comfortable on your lap”.

Echoing another redditor in saying I’ll probably also get stabbed one day, lol.


Muppet-King t1_itxup8y wrote

This always been a problem lol they used to give tickets for this shit too


sum1337gai t1_itxwigp wrote

I've really had to hold back a lot. More than ever, I see people with their dirty ass shoes all over the seats around them. How do you not realize that other people who sit there don't want to be covered in your filth?


vapidamerica t1_itxxm8k wrote

I prefer the term “wide stance” to “manspread” if for only reminding me of Larry Craig, the Senator from Idaho who was busted looking for tricks in a Minneapolis airport mensroom.

And fuck those people. Took a packed 7 train the other night with a dude passed out across 4 seats wearing the majority of an order of fried rice.



tonsofcursewords t1_itxy53v wrote

I saw the gnarliest version of woman spreading ever recently. She rested her big ass bag between her legs and aggressively shoved her legs apart forcing one guy to leave his seat because his nuts got so squished when he was left with no room. Everyone is doing it now.


zabdagreat t1_ity1df8 wrote

Worst thing about the subway are the people who shout "SHOWTIME" and either start dancing or singing then get mad at you for not paying attention.


whata2021 t1_ity7o53 wrote

That’s just NYC, where people are rude as hell. You have to say excuse me with authority as if they’re expected to move their items.


ChornWork2 t1_ity9lrm wrote

tbh sounds like you're afraid to talk to people.


AtDaLastMinute t1_itxo41n wrote

I went to sit and some girl with long nails and lashes pretty much acted like the music stopped in musical chairs when I was about to sit. And there was enough space for both of us.

Another thing I've noticed is those private (Catholic) school kids acting like they're invisible and in people's way. Like, dude, do ya not get taught manners!?


nycmaxima t1_itxz8yv wrote

Why did they change the flat bench style seats to the seats with the dividers. The seats are always to small and close together. People dont move cause its uncomfortable as shit to sit on the hump that divides the seats. Those tiny seats are unrealistic when most people on avg are overweight. It has become a trend for people to leave an empty seat in between them which makes that stupid seat design counter productive. If the seats are all bench seats people can sit close to eachother while still being able to adjust for bigger or smaller people. The designers probably thought they were maximizing the amount of seat space but all they did was make it so less people fit on the bench comfortably. So now u either get half as many people taking up the bench or u get people squeezing into the empty seats and then everyone is uncomfortable and sitting too tight. They were probably also wanting to make it uncomfortable for homeless to lay down on the bench because those humps to divide the seats suck... What they did was just make it uncomfortable for everyone. It's ridiculous.


bat_in_the_stacks t1_ity2k08 wrote

The flat bench design is newer than the defined curved seats.


nycmaxima t1_ityc5t2 wrote

Well then they should get rid of all those trains with the defined seats.


barbietattoo t1_ity1a7e wrote

Smile and kindly ask if they wouldn’t mind scooching over? Tf


MasterChicken52 t1_itxihv7 wrote

Are the man spreaders back? You know, those guys who think their penis is so big that it needs an extra seat, so they spread their legs to take up two? Pre-pandemic, they were getting really bad, and often wouldn’t move when asked, so I took to just sitting on their leg. They moved real quick then lol.


SignorCampy t1_itxlmzp wrote

It’s not so much the penis as much as the balls


ShadownetZero t1_itxl8e8 wrote

Have you tried using your words and asking them to make space?

Stop bitching.


AtDaLastMinute t1_itxorfc wrote

No words... No matter how polite work on these people.


stansvan t1_itxsd2o wrote

Nobody cares because their are no consequences. It's only going to get worse. Being soft on crime has its consequences.


jgalt5042 t1_itxloj4 wrote

Simple solution-don’t take the subway. It’s always a shithole.


AtDaLastMinute t1_itxomqd wrote

Found the guy that can fly.


jgalt5042 t1_itxufjk wrote

Remote in or walk. Subway isn’t safe. Never has been.


AtDaLastMinute t1_itxvkvu wrote

Smart ass, some of us actually have to be present at work. God forbid you twist and ankle walking, and I'm the one that has to put it back in place. Or my colleague who'd treat your carpal tunnel from all that jacking off you do rEm0teLy!


mojo10002 t1_itxjk2r wrote

Lol a lady wrote this
