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The_Lone_Apple t1_itgjcll wrote

Meanwhile the NY Post is right in the mix of propaganda outfits saying, "Climate crisis? What am that?"


muglug t1_itglowl wrote

whatever happens, landlords will still find an excuse to increase the rent


_Maxolotl t1_itgkx4w wrote

Never trust a prediction from someone whose life expectancy ends before their prediction is supposed to come true.


Status_Fox_1474 t1_itgnj22 wrote

Ah, once again the Post is rooting the destruction of NYC.


Electrical_Coffee t1_itpqpc3 wrote

This is fine. I’ve never seen a newspaper that hates their own City as much as the NY Post does.


Status_Fox_1474 t1_itprg6s wrote

I think it makes sense if you realize that the post's print circulation (which is read by people who live in NYC) is absolutely abysmal, and they're trying to drive traffic through Fox News and social media -- and those people don't really care about improvements to the Lex Line


PM-Nice-Thoughts t1_itgnor9 wrote

I don't know who this guy is and I don't care what he predicts


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KaiDaiz t1_ith1vol wrote

Gee...since cold war everyone has known NYC be nuked in event of a nuclear exchange. And no surprise to everyone NYC be target of a nuke/dirty bomb/weapon of mass destruction by rogue state actors as well.


bklyn1977 t1_itho1dx wrote

You guys realize this is a 'Lifestyle' column right?


codernyc t1_ithdqp8 wrote

Hochul and Adams’ terrible policies will have the city tear itself apart much sooner than that.


Pale-Neck t1_itjqzrg wrote

I can only dream


No_Community6162 OP t1_itgimd9 wrote

This is a nice interview by the post, least of places I would have expected one


Canyousourcethatplz t1_itgj98e wrote

You mean Fox News? Because they shit on NYC every other week. Not surprised to see yet another anti-NYC article


Isawthebeets t1_itgzk75 wrote

the irony being they all go to the east village bars after work.