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ImJustHereToAnnoyJK t1_isxebgn wrote

This is what boggles my mind. As a nation, we spent decades, from the 1950s onwards, on working towards banning cigarette smoke in public, so as to protect the health of the general public from second hand smoke.

Now the govt wants to legalize marijuana so that people can smoke it anywhere in public as if it also doesn’t produce second hand smoke. We know by now that any sort of smoke is carcinogenic and dangerous to breathe in, it doesn’t matter how it’s produced or where it comes from. Yet weed smokers and pro-weed politicians act like everyone should now have to breathe it in and smell it everywhere they go, it’s insane.

Idc if people want to use MJ on their own time in private, but don’t force others to breathe and smell it everywhere they go. The air quality in NYC is already bad enough, we don’t need to go back to 1950s levels of smoke throughout the city…and idk about anyone else, but weed smokers in public are the most insufferable, rude little shits because they act like it’s their God given right to ruin everyone else’s health, and they do not care where they light up. I’ve seen assholes purposely puff weed smoke into the air as they pass families and kids, I’m so over this shit already.

I have asthma myself, as do other family members, and all this legalizing of smoking pot everywhere in public just certifies that people’s health is a second class citizen in NYC.


m1kasa4ckerman t1_isxm3bl wrote

So, you’d rather people smoke weed in their apartments vs outside in the open air?


BusterBaxtr t1_it0r869 wrote

Do it somewhere where you're not bothering other people. Wherever that is is not my fucking problem