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SeniorWilson44 t1_ir7gwu2 wrote

I thank god that this didn’t happen during the weekend during football


GrassGaurdian t1_ir89872 wrote

People now aren't going to games to see him beat the record, but instead set it higher. I like it


defect t1_ir91vm1 wrote

Well, i mean, the regular season is over?


darthdope123 t1_ir84ihe wrote

Real New Yorkers are Mets fans, LGM. I’m kidding (sorta) but really as a baseball fan and a New Yorker it’s great to have one of the greatest players of today playing in the city.


Henry2k t1_ir8s821 wrote

the single season homerun record is 73 by Barry Bonds in 2001. Wake me up when someone surpasses that number and then we'll talk.


[deleted] t1_ir6yn75 wrote



gigantoir t1_ir71fmg wrote

he wasnt outspoken he just didnt get it until it was required of him. christ chill out


Pufflekun t1_ir8yb7l wrote

Yeah, everyone who doesn't share all of this random redittor's opinions should be cancelled!


ZachMartin t1_ir5r09u wrote

This game was played in TX. As a new yorker, and someone who has attended many yankees games (full disclosure - I wasn't there), even if this happened in the Bronx, half the crowd would go crazy, and the rest would be on their phones eating sushi. We're a special breed.


BrieGoneThot OP t1_ir5s6yj wrote

If this was a rainy day in the BX playing an otherwise meaningless game in a double header I guarantee you almost everyone in that stadium would be losing their shit. No one would be there for any other reason than to see 62.


EatingAssCuresCancer t1_ir68f04 wrote

I was at a game against the pirates a few weeks ago and the entire stadium would stand up for the entirety of every Judge at bat, and this was when he was at like 60 or so. Absolutely he’s the reason why people are going to Yankee games rn


orgoworgo t1_ir6l08e wrote

I went and saw a nothing day game against the Oakland A’s early in the season, and everyone still stood up for Judge. He’s the man!!


oreosfly t1_ir6rc39 wrote

I went to a game hoping to catch him hit 61 and this is pure bullshit. The entire stadium of 45000 was standing and silent in anticipation for every single one of his ABs

Eat ass, buddy