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wookietennis t1_iuacc23 wrote

They are - because the NYPD and DAs won’t do their jobs.


ny_medic t1_iub6xgc wrote

Arrests are up 21% this year compared to last year for this current time period. The statistics that NYPD aren’t doing their jobs says otherwise.


ofd227 t1_iub99mn wrote

It's because you can skip 4 court appearances after getting your "please show up" ticket after attacking grandma before a bench warrant gets issued. That takes about a year of being issued multiple summons. Add the COVID court delays and you are seeing now what we would have started seeing a year after the law changes.


dma10014 t1_iubbyos wrote

Maybe 2021 was a low year for arrests, making the arrest rate in 2022 look better than it would have been in prior years.

After all, someone can claim that ridership on the MTA has skyrocketed by X percent in 2022. It would be true, but ridership is still down over years before the pandemic.

So statistics need to be questioned.


ny_medic t1_iuby3sx wrote

What number of arrests would quantify the NYPD doing their job for you?


dma10014 t1_iuc2gh4 wrote

Offhand, I'd say at least 2013 levels, the year before DiBlasio became mayor.


ny_medic t1_iucbska wrote

Many offenses since then were decriminalized and/or are no longer prosecuted. So I’d expect the numbers to be much higher.


theholyman9873 t1_iuahzha wrote

DAs DP every case they get. Why would you want to arrest anyone when the DA will just DP it?