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Grass8989 t1_ismt8mx wrote

In before insurance will cover it, victimless crime, etc.


kj001313 t1_ismw248 wrote

IDK because my gut is telling me this is insurance fraud


Grass8989 t1_isn0h70 wrote

Could be. But smash and grabs have become increasingly common over the past couple of years.

Also everyone that says “insurance will cover it” and thinks it’s so easy to get compensated for theft, hasn’t dealt with an insurance company.


kj001313 t1_isqtrq3 wrote

Nah I get it but I have family that used to sell jewelry and they would always make sure to secure it in a safe at the end of day


socialcommentary2000 t1_iso0w4s wrote

Actually lets go with insurance fraud, because that's probably what this is.


k1lk1 t1_iso6est wrote

Yes robberies never happen, everything is a false flag, etc


needlepark t1_isos5cv wrote

What you're actually seeing is not a sledgehammer hitting glass, but a US made ballistic missle. Also, you can tell from the way these guys move that they were most likely trained by Mossad. 🤓


chale122 t1_isoa3mr wrote

Which of your properties on park avenue are you concerned about?


Grass8989 t1_isoah1s wrote

Yea let’s normalize theft! Who wants a functional civilized society anyway? Great argument.


Bubble_Bowl_MVP t1_isn93g0 wrote

You're right! Those poor park avenue jewelers /s


chale122 t1_iso9z5r wrote

won't somebody think of the small independent jewelry store owners in an area that charges $80-100 rent per square foot for office space and with a 6,800 per square foot average condo sales price


CarbonPrevails t1_ismuuic wrote

I’m honestly surprised the security wasn’t better for such a high end store. I’m also baffled that there were still items left out and not in a safe.


___pa___ t1_isonn83 wrote

I worked for a facade consultant. There are various types of glass makeups that are used to prevent smash-and-grab, ballistics, and so on. If someone smashed the front window with a sledgehammer and got through it, then the store did not make an effort to prevent it. It is relatively easy, and not as expensive as one might think, to install glass that will resist a sledgehammer.

Either incompetence or intentional.


Jgflight86 t1_isooxby wrote

An inside job, you say? The plot thickens...


___pa___ t1_isopynw wrote

If it wasn't trivial to protect against this we would see it every day at every jewelry store. Smash glass, grab jewels and jump in a car with fake paper plates or a dirtbike.


needlepark t1_isorqrb wrote

Dirtbike you say? No way man, I heard that Adam's is cracking down on them. 🧐


sysyphusishappy t1_isop134 wrote

Yeah, the thieves seemed like they knew it would break and seemingly knew exactly where to look for the goodies too. I wouldn't be surprised to see Clive Owen waltz out in a few days in an Armani suit.


Dichotopotamus t1_ispf2as wrote

Hol up so now it's the store's fault? What about the old people getting jumped? Their fault for not knowing jiu jitsu?


TrekkerMcTrekkerface t1_iso6iut wrote

"Suspects got off in a silver sedan" ....... now taking bets, it was a Nissan Altima?


Bh10474 t1_ismrsrl wrote

The actual good stuff was in the safe


kuedhel t1_ismt3oi wrote

hard to believe that 500,000 worth of jewels were accessible through $30 sledge hummer.


Though I have to admit, the guy knows how to use it.


cnoelle94 t1_isptu3p wrote

On one end, I can't believe the audacity and fearlessness people have. On another, is it even worth it 😐


redditing_1L t1_isprg7t wrote

I did this job in Grand Theft Auto once. Good times!


brianvan t1_ispyzia wrote

So, like, 50 jewels


MyBoyJob t1_isrcvse wrote

Damn that looked too easy, to think I went to college but could have just did this for a living, kinda looks like fun too


_Maxolotl t1_iso7enm wrote

Jewels are valuable because people are vapid. Jewel thieves are literally the least bad kind of thief there is.

A store like this exists because somebody wants to show off how rich they are by wearing something useless that's worth more than a college education. The industry creates small easily fungible things based on nothing but hype, and thus creates a strong motivation for thieves to target them, based on nothing but hype. Minimal sympathy here as long as nobody got hurt.


ittybittycitykitty t1_isoebh6 wrote

What is the fate of the stolen jewelry do you think? And what was it fenced for, presuming it was sold as is.

Maybe melted down, to get pennies on the dollar for the metal?


needlepark t1_isotgop wrote

I am curious too, but usually jewelry store robberies are done by robbers who already have a customer for it. Unless they are robbing for themselves which would be the most idiotic plan ever. So the particular person this group is doing this for will do what he does best with it in order to cover the trail, most likely they will melt it down, ship it overseas and sell it to someone who can create fake certificates for each jewel he will in turn make out of the melt.


TonyzTone t1_isowv98 wrote

It probably gets sold for 25-50% of the retail value to a fence with international reach. These jewels will be hanging off the wrists and necks of any number of millionaires around the world.


nickxbk t1_isosjag wrote

Man people on reddit must REALLY have fragile egos or something to be downvoting this lol


_Maxolotl t1_isov5gm wrote

way way too many people are really proud of the rocks they got their fiance or wife, and anything critical anyone ever says about rocks makes them freak out. In person they'll just be pissy as hell until you change the subject. try it sometime if you're feeling masochistic.


Rottimer t1_isob72i wrote

And I guarantee that jewelry store would not $500,000 or anywhere near that for whatever was stolen if walked in and tried to sell it to them.


luckylebron t1_isp2oor wrote

My granddad used to like watching a show called "Baretta" and he would hum the show's track " If you can't do the time then you can't do the crime...


Ok_Application_962 t1_isp7boi wrote

You wouldn't know the true meaning of fascism..please give a definition.. Again you just espouse facts ..just left wing nonsense...


Ok_Application_962 t1_isovqod wrote

So you stay the course of no cash bail the idiot DA. And defend the police ...good luck as you watch people leave NY for other places


brianvan t1_ispz6f5 wrote

The guy who stole the jewels is definitely leaving for a warmer place


Ok_Application_962 t1_isowxc1 wrote

Were you better off with MAGA or now? If you believe propaganda they influenced you to hate ..rationalize was there a war in Ukraine ? Threatening to expand to ww3? No.. was economy booming ? Yes ...were minorities doing better ? Yes ..was there reform of jail terms ? Yes..were vaccine done quickly? Yes ..was production of oil at a all time high and prices low? Yes..was our strategic oil reserves full? Yes ...are those reserves now only 50% full. ? Yes ..were they depleted to lower prices for politics . ? Yes that dangerous considering China and Russia ? Yes..was your 401k worth more. ? Yes. Should I go on. And on...


King_O_Diamond t1_isoz5v7 wrote

Keep spinning fascism as much as you want, it's still fascism! Any American that supports facism is no true American!


Ok_Application_962 t1_isnwie8 wrote

Crime out of control, need a change vote like your life depended on it cause it does..Lee zeldin for governor , bring back law and order .


Rottimer t1_isobd4v wrote

And how is Lee Zeldin going to “bring back law and order?” Or were you talking about the TV show?


Rottimer t1_isobdmf wrote

And how is Lee Zeldin going to “bring back law and order?” Or were you talking about the TV show?


luckylebron t1_isnyamj wrote

Amen, as much as I dislike Maga sycophants NYC needs to be on lockdown with its crime policing unit. Fire Bragg and get Bloomberg policies back in place.


King_O_Diamond t1_isp1uyg wrote

YES! We should designate a special section of the NYC police force to initiate this lockdown....we can even give them special brown uniforms so that you know "these are people I need to obey"


We can call them something like.... "Special Saftey" policemen, or something along those lines....maybe just abbreviate it to SS?


luckylebron t1_isp252l wrote

A bit harsh but if it saves NY then so be it.


King_O_Diamond t1_ispt8ol wrote

First they came for the Communists

And I did not speak out

Because I was not a Communist

Then they came for the Socialists

And I did not speak out

Because I was not a Socialist

Then they came for the trade unionists

And I did not speak out

Because I was not a trade unionist

Then they came for the Jews

And I did not speak out

Because I was not a Jew

Then they came for me

And there was no one left

To speak out for me


dorgsmack t1_ispynnx wrote

Dramatic af. Attempting to innovate an ineffective police department is not the equivalent of the SS. Of course it will never happen as the department has no incentive to innovate.


luckylebron t1_isq396u wrote

You're stretching this out mate. Relax, I'm sure you want to live in a safer city. Dramaturgy