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iRedditAlreadyyy t1_iu0qxxa wrote

Look at what we saw with trump. Trump never personally hurt a minority group, but he spoke ill of Asians, LGBTQ, POCs, anyone who didn’t speak English as their first language. We watched hate crimes against all of them spike. The fool speaking may be too stupid or too popular to ever risk themselves acting on what they believe, but they idiots who follow them with a lot less to lose will gladly do it.

Thats why no matter who speaks like this, as a culture, we need to hold them and that speech accountable. Too many examples in history how “free speech” has evolved into real world war and conflicts.


lostsherbert620 t1_iu0ufp3 wrote

I’ve heard people at my job defend Kanye and say that he is being “cancelled”. It makes me sick and kind of scared tbh.


HEIMDVLLR t1_iu12pls wrote

You don’t find it strange that everyone is only highlighting the anti-Semitic actions and not the “white lives matter, George Floyd” portion?

Why is the the All Lives Matter crowd silent?


XenosV t1_iu17f86 wrote

Even stranger that right-wing ghouls like Tucker Carlson and Candace Owens are getting no flak for their parts in this story either.

But to your point, Kanye should be getting more shit for peddling white supremacy nonsense. (And I think we all know why the All Lives Matter goobers didn’t make a peep about “White Lives Matter”).

Hell, he should’ve gotten this reckoning back when he was openly wearing a MAGA hat & saying that American chattel slavery “was a choice”.


Non_Drug_User t1_iu0zmxk wrote

I feel like it needs to be said: the other side of this may not be on public transportation listening to high-volume videos about how great Jewish people are, but there are obviously a great many of us who do believe that Jewish people are an integral part of this country

America would be a worse place culturally and artistically and in every other way one can imagine without Jewish people and no amount of insane Kanye West rants and rambles will change that

So, yeah, the antisemites are out there, and they can be quite loud, the pests they are, the devils they are, but there are plenty of us on the other side of the equation too, and we do not suffer those fools gladly

Fuck 'em


throwaway_samaritan t1_iu17yqj wrote

Exactly - this is America where people are judged on MERIT, not on one's skin color, race or ethnicity, or sexual orientation. This is land of the free and shitty people need to get booted off the stage.


Harbinger311 t1_iu0x6zo wrote

I was walking in the park yesterday, and the exact same thing happened (woman was also walking, had the ran on the smartphone running on speaker, almost like a religious background chant for the daily constitutional). We were in the middle of nowhere and there might have been 20 people total in an area about 20 acres in size midday.


[deleted] t1_iu19y22 wrote



PostureGai OP t1_iu1chqt wrote

Every other post is about the supposed crime wave but this one needs to be shut down?


justbeclaus t1_iu0l6ri wrote

I was taking a class about a year ago at the local cc and the professor used the phrase 'a chink in the armor'. The entire class got quiet and you could tell the students were upset. It is just a phrase after all, but the timing was probably not the best considering Covid and some students being Asian. The next day another professor, a black one came into the class and started talking about triggers and crackers.. It was a little out there but the class got back on track. Hope this is kind of what Kanye has planned because the guy musty be going nuts.. Lost 1.5 billion or about 80% of his wealth in a week?


Sickpup831 t1_iu0ssh1 wrote

What context did he use the phrase “chink in the armor”? Because I don’t see how that’s offensive unless you’re being underhandedly trying to attack Asians.


darkknight915 t1_iu0toet wrote

The people on here look for any reason to be offended you’re not gonna get a compelling answer here.


Imagine357 t1_iu0xbcc wrote

Or literally describing an Asian in medieval cosplay.


Throwawayhelp111521 t1_iu0zzqf wrote

You wouldn't say "the armor."


Imagine357 t1_iu11p58 wrote

Have you never heard of the phrase chink in the armor in reference to mail chain links?


Throwawayhelp111521 t1_iu5ende wrote

Apparently, you didn't understand my comment. You wouldn't use "the" in reference to Chinese people and the expression has nothing to do with the Chinese. You'd have to be both stupid and looking to be offended to make something out of that.

The expression is "a chink in the armor."


Throwawayhelp111521 t1_iu0zuw0 wrote

The expression "a chink in the armor" has nothing to do with Asians, just as "to call a spade a spade" has nothing to do with Blacks.


darkknight915 t1_iu140c6 wrote

You’re using way too much logic here, everything they don’t like is racist, sexist or offensive.


Throwawayhelp111521 t1_iu5fa7p wrote

It's exhausting. I'm Black and I'm as sensitive as anyone but I have no patience for stupid, ignorant people looking to be offended.