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somethingelseorwhat t1_irbb43f wrote

This is a terrible take. Many of the people driving to NYC are those from the suburbs, which do not and will never have subway service. Using some of the money they pay to improve the commuter rail is a sensible decision.


Many_pineapples t1_irbmwws wrote

Yea I'll second this. The majority of the people effected by congestion pricing, the ones who are not too wealthy to care one way or the other, are not driving from QX, BX, or BK into Manhattan. Even people from tottenville tend to take express buses... These cars are from Long Island, NJ and CT.


virtual_adam t1_ircsp9x wrote

Then the best thing would be for all these commuter towns to pay NYC a special income tax for us to build out our roads for them

So far it’s me paying for road repaving and pothole fixing. They sure love using our public resources we pay for


Imborednow t1_irekked wrote

Sounds like an employment tax would be better than an income tax here; I live in the Hudson Valley. Especially in the upper Hudson, there are many people who are only very rarely in NYC.


Rottimer t1_irbtpi3 wrote

So the city is on the hook for any amount of money shy of $1 Billion from congestion pricing. If those communities served by MNR and LIRR want to collectively chip in 20% for any shortage, then I’m all for spending money on those items. If the city is solely responsible for any shortage then the city transit should be the sole benefactor of any proceeds.


pixel_of_moral_decay t1_irbsruf wrote

And it should be way more than 20%. Average income in Manhattan is insanely high, a little more taxes won’t hurt.

Should be at least 60:40 to help improve transit in/out of the city.

The benefit being there’s less need to drive in with improved transit.

Transit within the city is relatively speaking adequate. Getting in and out is still bad.


King-of-New-York OP t1_irbbo9o wrote

From the money allotted to them from the state and federal governments, and fares collected. Not from congestion pricing.
