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srmatto t1_iu086b4 wrote

Great decision. Now less housing will get built overall and less affordable housing as well. This should help with the housing crisis and affordable rents.


JackandFred t1_iu1egdi wrote

wow, I wasn't familiar with this specific proposal, so i read the article. They literally halved the amount of housing that can be built there. This is a terrible decision that hurts anyone but the extremely wealthy that can buy new units as investment property and not live in them. Ridiculous for a coucilwoman calling herself progressve to support this.


huebomont t1_iu0fd1w wrote

Just absolutely embarrassing behavior from these elected officials. Compromising affordable housing construction because literally a couple handfuls of people complained.



Lebrooklynderp t1_iu1tgyc wrote

“There are better ways to solve the affordability crisis than building your way out of it,” Basile added.

Such as? This may be the dumbest statement I've ever heard.


pk10534 t1_iu0h93q wrote

“Currently in Astoria, Queens, Council member Julie Won and allied community activists are resisting “Innovation QNS,” a massive, $2 billion development that would bring 2,845 new apartments to the area, citing concerns about the area’s rapid gentrification and the need for a greater percentage of affordable units. Over 1,000 of those apartments would be classified as affordable for the area.”

Well Ms. Won, maybe your area wouldn’t be “gentrifying” so quickly if people weren’t clamoring to find housing because politicians like you block every development. Were I in charge, I would gather up 1,000 low income or working class families and make her explain to each of them individually that their presence in apartments they could afford would be “gentrification”.

NYC needs to cut this bullshit of letting perfect be the enemy of good, because until that happens, the housing crisis is going to continue to get worse


ForeignWin9265 t1_iu2nd4g wrote

I’ll never understand how a low level politician like a council member has so much power when it comes to zoning


Darrackodrama t1_iu9a9n5 wrote

That’s why DSA runs candidates in these races. If you want change, join your chapter, we got caban and others elected to city and state government and our power grows.


Listen2Chunk t1_iu0kp4x wrote

Im nearby and I’m pretty frustrated that she decides last minute to gut housing to the favor of an area landlord. Progressives shouldn’t be disfavoring tenants in support of business interests.