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lotsofdeadkittens t1_irwltgu wrote

Yes. And objectively there is less late night violence towards women per capita here.

I’m not saying it doesn’t exist but the car argument is bad. People follow women in cares back to their homes, and I speculate that often they drive to a more quiet area it’s dangerous as well.

Regardless Theresa big issue where people conflate only late night creeper followin crime as the risk. That percentage of violence giant women is very very very small compared to all the other unfortunate avenues of danger. Nyc does way better in stoping violence against women by every metric.

Using theoretical anecdotes about how nyc is less safe cause women cat drive home, is silly when there’s all the statistics out there showing a woman is safer going home from an nyc bar to an nyc apartment than any other city’s bar scene.

I’m not devaluing that we can always do way more to fix violence late at night, but we need to stop coming from a place of flat out false comparisons to other American and western cities.