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virtual_adam t1_iui9onl wrote

This is just an ad for a startup trying to get cash from nervous landlords

They “look for photoshop fragments” lol. Editing html in chrome or editing a pdf in Acrobat Pro leave 0 fragment. Credit score is basically the only thing a landlord can easily verify

Equifax sell a decent service that is based on facts, not photoshop fragments, called “the work number” if you need something like this. It’s pretty creepy to look yourself up and see how much Equifax knows about your employment


Scarahhhhh t1_iujy54f wrote

Exactly. Have edited HTML numerous times, good luck “catching” that 😆


ArcticFox2014 t1_iui7ebl wrote

TLDR: transplants who are willing pay more way more than 50% of their income on rent to live in Manhattan and Hipster Brooklyn are lying to landlords “out of necessity” to get their dream apartments


_Maxolotl t1_iujbzu4 wrote

One of my least favorite parts of NYC is shitty people who snidely call newcomers "transplants" in a city that has 300 foot statue standing in front of it above a plaque with a poem that says, in essence, "all are welcome, please come here".


spulet t1_iujsglp wrote

Sounds like the kind of thing a transplant who doesn’t know what her books read would say


_Maxolotl t1_iuju980 wrote

I was born here, and my family has been here since 1854. I'm sixth generation. My kid is seventh. And I work five blocks from where my great grandfather worked.

And based on all my NYC cred, I get to declare your position on this matter is trash.


elizabeth-cooper t1_iuk39et wrote

That poem is about poor and embattled refugees, not college graduates from Ohio.

Based on my ability to read and 90 years of my family in Brooklyn.

Give me your tired, your poor,

Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,

The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.

Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me,

I lift my lamp beside the golden door!"


sr71Girthbird t1_iuj0xfd wrote

I lied (in cooperation with my work) on my mortgage last year since the banks would only take my base pay into account when determining eligibility. Base pay is about 40% of what I get paid and my commission is extremely consistent since everything is paid out over the course of 12 months. Boss wrote a letter for me saying I was getting a raise, extra equity etc, put it on a company letterhead and signed it. Basically said I made 60% more money base and had a 20% variable commission instead of the 50% base 50% variable which is the actual target structure assuming I don't exceed sales goals.

I bought completely within my means but the banks were not having it based on my actual pay structure.


ComplexKodak t1_iuj42yw wrote

That's nice of them but silly that you can't use something like a tax return to prove your AGI


sr71Girthbird t1_iujpq7h wrote

Yeah though it was odd because I had read the standard was that commission income was counted if you could prove last 2 years, while I had 4 years of steadily increasing income at the same company. First lender went to said they basically instantly discount all commission based W2's by 40% regardless.


Scout-Penguin t1_iujiwd1 wrote

What the hell kind of mortgage was that?

I have a jumbo loan where bonus income was accepted without a blink; and conforming loan standards allow commission or bonus income that's stable over a two year period.


sr71Girthbird t1_iujoxyv wrote

Mine was jumbo as well, Citizen's Bank ended up not having an issue once I submitted that letter which essentially counted as written verification of income and employment, but a couple other lenders wouldn't even give pre-approval.


Scout-Penguin t1_iujpodq wrote

Variability in underwriting standards is definitely a thing. I went with Wells Fargo and it definitely helped to have a mortgage banker that was prepared to go toe-to-toe with the risk/underwriting team at various points (I didn't have a "seasoned" credit file at the time I was looking to buy) but bonus income was not one of them for me.


[deleted] t1_iuihnmp wrote

> I make over 100k, I can afford the apartment

I make twice that and I still don’t feel like I can afford 3500 a month comfortably.


nyxnars t1_iuhz7js wrote

I had to do this in 4 different cities. It's outrageous


MegaChar64 t1_iuj3j75 wrote

Imagine having to lie for the privilege of paying outrageously high rent on a place that very likely isn't worth the asking price. What a time we live in.


[deleted] t1_iujb13s wrote



King-of-New-York OP t1_iujfleq wrote

I feel your pain and agree with your post. Fake it ‘till you make it. Tell them what they want to hear.

Mods banned my NYT PickleBall post because they said it violated rule 5c. Not NYC related. The meat of that article was 100% Manhattan centric. Yet Florida Man is given free reign here to upload the umpteenth NYP article.


elizabeth-cooper t1_iuk3jf6 wrote

The mods here hate fun. Did you know that Law & Order isn't about NYC?


[deleted] t1_iuiqhbo wrote



MoosesAndMeese t1_iujuvsw wrote

r/GenP for instructions on how to get Photoshop. For mac users go to

Also you don't need a printer. Just export as a PNG or take a screenshot of the document


KaiDaiz t1_iujm5n3 wrote

Requesting IRS transcripts via third party designee as part of the application process going to be more routine going forward due to liars.


emmett22 t1_iui34rk wrote

Flip side, if you make it super easy to evict, then landlords would be more lenient.


williamwchuang t1_iuidvbb wrote

Or allow more security deposit. I know it's obnoxious for a landlord to demand two or three months' security but if you don't have good credit, of if you were just starting out in your career, that used to be something you could do to get into an apartment. With year long extensions (ERAP application stays eviction even though the program is now out of funding), and one month of security deposit, then landlords are going to be very picky.


_Maxolotl t1_iujcbvy wrote

Pretty much every guide to being a landlord says that it's irresponsible to not maintain a cash reserve of 3 months rent per apartment.

If a landlord is seriously financially harmed by someone who takes 3 months to evict, that landlord is landlording wrong.


williamwchuang t1_iuk6tj3 wrote

LMAO it's taking years to evict because of the pandemic stay. Minimum of six months and taking a year because of the ERAP stay.

So you're saying that even a prudent landlord would have trouble keeping solvent with a three month reserve.


wahikid t1_iuhyp9n wrote

I will bet a lot of money that these two think that what they did is TOTALLY different than what trump is being charged with doing. Bank fraud is bank fraud.


prisoner_007 t1_iui0j1u wrote

Isn’t bank fraud when you’re providing fraudulent information to a bank? Trump committed bank fraud because he was lying to a bank providing him loans. This is just fraud.


Gozillasbday t1_iui0vkg wrote

What Trump did was on a much larger scale. It wasn't so he could have a place to live. This isn't about manipulating their books to get millions in loans, the rental market is just cut throat and they could afford the costs.

You have to understand this is quite different. Or did you just want to defend Trump?


wahikid t1_iuib5zb wrote

Nobody’s defending Trump here. Quite the opposite actually, I’m saying that these guys are as shitty as Trump. Lying to get personal gain is shitty no matter who does it.


Gozillasbday t1_iuijc3u wrote

You're so wrong you decided to reply to me twice? Yeah still wrong.


wahikid t1_iuibvx1 wrote

Let’s be clear here these people didn’t do this because they “needed” a place to live. They lied so that they could live in New York City where they “wanted” to live.


Gozillasbday t1_iuiioir wrote

They work and reside in Nyc. So yeah they are established and need to live here as well. Can't just pack up and move anywhere super easy.


wahikid t1_iuij4g1 wrote

What? “It’s a real PITA to move, so let’s just lie to make it easier for us. We deserve it.” Are you all seriously ok?


Gozillasbday t1_iuijrxi wrote

Now you're lashing out for having bad opinions. Feel free to keep going, dig deeper.


wahikid t1_iuik480 wrote

Lol because zero people commute into NYC every day to work, while living somewhere else. Come on, keep telling me how they deserve to live here so much though.


prisoner_007 t1_iuihiqn wrote

Tell us you didn’t read the article you posted without saying you didn’t read the article you posted.

From the article you posted:

Across the U.S., rental-application fraud doubled in the last few years, going from around 6 to 12 percent


wahikid t1_iuihv4h wrote

You are kinda making my point for me, bud. I complained that lying for personal gain is a shitty crime, and you reinforced that, indeed, more people than ever are shitty liars. Thanks, I guess?


prisoner_007 t1_iuikuf9 wrote

No, you said that they’re lying because they want to live in New York, which the article you posted refutes. If it’s a national issue that has doubled specifically in the last few years that suggests that it’s not about “want” or “personal gain” and is symptomatic of larger issues.


wahikid t1_iuila61 wrote

With the amount that they claim they make, they could have chosen to move to any number of surrounding areas, and been well within the income requirements without lying. The sole fact that these two decided to lie so that they could specifically live inside New York City is the point of our whole discussion. You’re introducing other factors to try to make your case. We are talking specifically about these two individuals and the article that was written specifically about their case. That’s what I was referring to.


prisoner_007 t1_iuim91a wrote

The article wasn’t just about them since I literally quoted from it when it spoke about how this is a national issue. It used the two people in Hells Kitchen you want to talk about as one example but also featured several others. You really didn’t read the article in full.

EDIT: Do I think it’s fraud? Sure. I already said as much. It’s not the same or on the even the same scale as what Trump did so that’s just a stupid nonsense comparison but it is fraud. It doesn’t seem like anyone, even the people interviewed in the article, are denying that.

EDIT: it’s also hilarious to be complaining about this happening in NY because people want to live here when the article literally states that rental fraud in NY is 6%, half the national average of 12%.


snakesign t1_iuiakfe wrote

Is this what Trump is being charged with doing? I though it was keeping top secret nuclear documents as mementos? Or was it running several fake 'charities' for personal profit? Or was it seditious conspiracy? So hard to keep track anymore.


Ouity t1_iuij3wm wrote

It's one of the charges lmao he was keeping two books. One for the feds and one for the banks.


SyberKai t1_iuig1za wrote

>It's not fraudulent when Landlords are fraudulent themselves


wahikid t1_iuiijf0 wrote

Actually, it absolutely fucking certainly is. Just because your boss at work might cook the books, absolutely doesn’t make it ok for you to do it. Please tell me you weren’t serious with your original statement.