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1slandViking t1_itsccxd wrote

Wtf didn’t realize that was out until he said something tf


JE163 t1_itsdjyo wrote

Saved someones life today


[deleted] t1_itsfqtq wrote

Spam account at this point


Nikolllllll t1_itsh1hs wrote

Didn't notice that. Fucking terrifying.


The_Question757 t1_itsnw9j wrote

Jesus that's terrifying, I know the camera is a little fogged up but imagine focusing on something on the road that makes you not see that and you go right into that


ken81987 t1_itssqke wrote

I'll assume your vision was better than the video? Those ramps should at least have lights


D14DFF0B t1_itt5lg9 wrote

Ban cars (so we can have real loading zones).


Frankiesales_ t1_itubyi6 wrote

Good thing our eyes are not camera lenses and we have the ability to stop


headphonist t1_itucvmf wrote

That's for real one of my biggest fears while riding around NYC...


despreocupado t1_itudzn9 wrote

Wow. The same happened to me @ 7th Ave & 52nd St last month. Still get the shivers when recalling the moment.


Pork-Roll t1_itup63n wrote

Damn with the water drops on the camera I didn't notice that and thought the guy was just gonna randomly back up. Good call.


ElectricApogee t1_ituydoc wrote

Stuff like this is why I always slow down at intersections. You saved the guy behind you just by slowing down (not that you had much of a choice).


ElectricApogee t1_itveuy6 wrote

They're supposed to do one of two things: fold it away when not being actively used or put something on top so people can see that there's obviously something there. I can't point out any specific regulation for it, but I've heard of people doing this for safety. Space in NYC is tight, but that's not an excuse to not think "safety first".


doctor_van_n0strand t1_itwgqjj wrote

Those trucks are the fucking worst. Roll around at 5am to start making deliveries. They unfold that screechy ass platform thing and let it drop like a fucking hammer to wake up the entire damn street. I guess that wasn't enough for this guy, he was going for a decapitation on top of it.


monnurse7 t1_itx9lbi wrote

I almost ran into something similar like that Saturday in midtown on my e-scooter. I haven't stopped thinking about the possibility of having my head chop off if I wasn't careful.


darkknight915 t1_itz8l75 wrote

Wahhhhh someone making a delivery of something really important like food or goods impeded on my mission to be lance Armstrong around the city. So now I have to post it on Reddit for karma points. Grow the fuck up Jesus Christ.
