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starrlitestarrbrite t1_itgz21b wrote

Cops used to hand out jaywalking tickets for this reason…smh


happytappin t1_iti34sh wrote

I think i prefer this to tickets


Grass8989 t1_itirurr wrote

Yea I’m sure this kid is going to pay for any damages to the guys car too.


wlaugh29 t1_itktcm0 wrote

What's he going to do, hold him upside down by his feet and shake him out for loose change?


tofu- t1_itljksq wrote

Someone could come at your car with a sledgehammer in broad daylight and not pay any damages. You gonna tie the guy up and wait for a police report, then take him to small claims?


Grass8989 t1_itlk6bd wrote

Yea you’re right everyone should be able to damage someone else’s property with 0 repercussions.


tofu- t1_itllmch wrote

No one said they "should" be able to, but they are able to. If you want to put yourself in legal peril over an auto insurance claim, have at it, Punisher.