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StevenAssantisFoot t1_iru1hxf wrote

The radio in my mom's kitchen has been playing 1010 WINS on a low volume around the clock for the past forty years or longer. The only interruptions have been blackouts and power outages. It's either "for the cat" or "so the robbers will think someone is home."


5_on_3 t1_irv7p8v wrote

When I was about 6 or 7 years old, my grandfather gave my sister and I transistor radios. Ran off one 9 volt battery. Fast forward 26 years (grandpa has long since passed) Hurricane Sandy comes along and knocks out the power. Wife, myself and our dog were without power for over 2 weeks. Wife and I would come home from work, light the fireplace and I'd break out that same transistor radio and listen to 1010 WINS and then change over to WFAN for Steve Somers (the schmooze) at 7 pm and just chill on the couch with our dog curled up with us. The sound of the static on that AM transistor radio was very soothing. I still have and use that radio when I go camping.