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SexyEdMeese t1_irw53v7 wrote

I have no idea why people entertain these scammers for so long. You shouldn't have stopped to help someone on an active roadway anyway, 99.7% of Americans have a cell phone, and it puts yourself at risk of causing an accident. This isn't a country lane in Mayberry.

Furthermore you should have told him to go fuck himself the second he asked for money. I can't believe you offered to charge his phone for him. SMH people are so desperate for a personal warm fuzzy. Do something nice for a normal person, not a scamming asshole with his fuckyfucky paper "I don't pay toll" plates.


eekamuse t1_irw63qo wrote

He didn't know he was a scammer until after he pulled over to help. Jfc

My father would have died if no one pulled over to help him. Glad you weren't the one driving past.


SexyEdMeese t1_irw6mzl wrote

Never pull over if someone is obviously alive (like a guy waving down cars). Call 911.

And he knew he was a scammer literally the second the guy walked over and started shoving yellow colored metal through the window. Nevertheless, OP continued indulging the psycho.


___pa___ t1_irw6ljm wrote

> scamming asshole with his fuckyfucky paper "I don't pay toll" plates.

My first thoughts. Paper plates = scammer. No way to trace. I wouldn't have even stopped.