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Many_pineapples t1_it2m3ap wrote

I have a story a lot like the second one but even more extra. I was in Staten Island, where the buses are quite awful and the bus blew past the stop I was at. Next stop was close so I gave chase alongside the bus yelling something along the lines of hey where ya going?

Beat the bus to the next stop where he had to stop at a stop light, but he still refused to let me on. I stuck my hand into his door and held him there for a few red lights until I finally felt bad for the other passengers and just let it go. but I was close to the dispatch at the ferry terminal, so I walked down there with the bus number and filed and in person complaint.

I was informed that the bus driver was forced to show up at a hearing with a union rep, but ultimately got away with it because the act of me chasing after the bus that refused to stop for me was "creating a dangerous situation."

Honestly though, I was satisfied. The driver wasted like an hour of my time, and I think I probably wasted more of his time and caused him more stress then he caused me so I considered it a fair trade.