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Barbacuda t1_is0aatv wrote

Lol no 400 years of colonialism and white supremacy are what's wrong with it. just because you whites are being called out on all this damage that you cause isn't bad. It's the world you built


fafalone t1_is0m7xj wrote

Keep shooting yourself in the foot.

People like you are doing more to maintain inequity than the klan and similar groups at this point.

I don't know how you think you can embrace the idea of judging and penalizing based only on race and expect the majority to go along with using it to disadvantage themselves as retaliatory justice for something they had no part in.

And yes, it's clearly about revenge instead of equity. If you wanted equity, you could easily get sufficient buy in by race neutral benefits to the disadvantaged; it would disproportionately benefit POC because POC are disproportionately disadvantaged. But because you embrace the same ideas about race, that's not good enough. You can't stand the idea of not having some races get the short end of the stick, so you wind up empowering the political party promising to keep making sure white people don't.

Sometimes I wonder how many understand this and don't care, vs so blinded by self-righteousness they don't even see how they're undermining the very goal they profess.


Barbacuda t1_is0njsc wrote

Lol we're the ones responsible for rampant inequality and wealth hording by the oligarchs? And i don't support the idea of judging/penalizing based on race. But even if I was, are you telling me the Republicans are better in any way? You're just showing your ass and you want the status quo to remain what it is. And you're fear mongered to think these policies will be any worse than the system of oppression that already exists


derekjeter3 t1_is10mai wrote

And white people built a pretty damn good world that we get no credit for.


Barbacuda t1_is1byr0 wrote

Good for who? You literally destroyed entire cultures and continents. You exploited everywhere where now everything is output for capitalism. People can't afford to live or have families. People have no community or connection to nature. People grew up and we're able to live off the land back in my home country. Now that neoliberalism and capitalist exploitation has reached there everything is just a product to be consumed. Can tell you've never left your first world bubble


derekjeter3 t1_is45jv2 wrote

First world bubble that’s why everyone from 3rd world countries will literally break every rule to sneak into the USA or Europe


derekjeter3 t1_is45nie wrote

And how about this go back to the country where you came from and live off the land, leave the USA don’t use internet, don’t use your car don’t use electric/heat


Barbacuda t1_is47gmg wrote

You're ancestors aren't from here either. Their the reason 3rd world countries are stuck in a cycle of exploitation from their former colonizers. Go outside sometime, and not in your nice suburban neighborhood