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supremeMilo t1_isoqcwx wrote

Avenue street parking needs to be loading/unloading only.


lurkatwork t1_isot0gm wrote

This would also need to be enforced like even 1% of the time


D14DFF0B t1_isp8hgn wrote

Bus-mounted cameras.


lickedTators t1_isq92yk wrote

Bus-mounted cow pushers. Bus drivers would enjoy enforcing their own lanes.


Rpanich t1_isqp9xo wrote

Why not just tow the cars away? Charge the owner for the tow and for the ticket.

Use the money to fix the subway!

Edit: I just saw on the news they’re finally cracking down on ghost plates by towing them/ charging the owners/ sending the cars to auction, so I guess this is a totally plausible and enforceable plan that should pay for itself?


The_Lone_Apple t1_isow8s2 wrote

One side only. They can cross the street for stores on the other side.