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BrieGoneThot t1_is1cjap wrote

95% of dog owners in this city suck.


k1lk1 t1_is1f7zy wrote

It's wild how people who DEFINITELY know better are so inconsiderate with their dog.


TegrityBoots t1_is1gt9z wrote

I disagree. Even 5%-10% of them sucking means a crap load of crap on the sidewalk. The good ones probably hate the bad ones more than most people seeing as we probably tend to step in shit accidentally more often since our dogs do their business in the same areas.


hillbillydeluxe t1_is1dfz1 wrote

I love dogs to death, but I have a feeling if I get one I will somehow make acquaintances with someone who does this. That alone is enough to put me off from getting a dog, they fucking suck.


Aljowoods103 t1_is1gppw wrote

I have never, ever ONCE seen a dog poo in the street and the owner not pick it up. Ever. Not claiming it doesn't happen, but judging 500,000+ people based on your own limited experience is pretty weak.
