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Grass8989 t1_is3q8ia wrote

“InSuRaNcE wIlL cOveR iT” crowd inc.


Euphoric-Program t1_is539q8 wrote

People that say this, aren’t adults and never had to deal with insurance companies


mojogogo123 t1_is5mti7 wrote

So many things that are constantly said in this sub fall into the same boat. A lot of the "fuck cars" people (not all of em) never tried moving a few of their young kids across the city, or had to carry tools to construction jobs on the subways or buses. Or the "fuck landlords" or "fuck the mom and pop stores that have notice about credit card service charges phrased incorrectly." Just immature people with 0 life experience.


TonyzTone t1_is69zho wrote

Whether they’re immature and/or people with no life experience, or not, it’s often just a lack of empathy.

The phrase “fuck _____” is just an overall disregard for whatever fits that blank. I’ll admit to using the phrase and then immediately saying “nah, actually, I don’t really mind _____. They just annoy me.” Or something to that effect.

So yeah, anyone that says “fuck cars,” “fuck landlord,” or whatever is simply choosing to not be empathetic.


mojogogo123 t1_is6li5b wrote

Agreed. I think for a lot of people empathy comes with age and experience though, so it goes hand in hand.


Artguy_nyc t1_is8a1xl wrote

Totally. Being comfortable with insensitivity isn’t a good thing


SIGNW t1_is6hgvl wrote

> A lot of the "fuck cars" people (not all of em) never tried moving a few of their young kids across the city, or had to carry tools to construction jobs on the subways or buses.

  1. Bakfeits:

  2. Cargo van are much better for work jobs than the ever-present pickup trucks; thankfully most actual tradesmen use them in the city, but the number of pickup trucks from outer boroughs/LI/NJ plates with a construction vest as some sort of justification for improper parking is definitely non-negligible.


mojogogo123 t1_is6m1av wrote

You think a bike with a basket is a realistic way to transport your kids from say, deep in BK to upper-Manhattan or the Bronx in the asshole of winter or peak summer?

I agree with the pick-up/van point though. My dad is a carpenter and he always says the same.


SBAPERSON t1_is6s5w8 wrote

We call that leg day brotha 🦵🦵🦵


SIGNW t1_is6qnwl wrote

I agree that BK-BX cross-borough public transit is pretty terrible, but to reach even upper Manhattan, public transit should be used. I just mapped a route from a friend's place in Bushwick/Ridgewood to Columbia/Harlem, and it's 1hr both by subway and driving. And not that you would bike it with kids, but it's 16mi--pedaling is a 1.5hr trip on Google Maps, but class 2 ebikes can top out at 20mph.

I think the bigger issue would be why one has to drive an hr each way on a regular basis in a dense city, as it's an example of inefficient sprawl. A 1hr bike ride is essentially from AMS Schiphol airport to the old city center, covering everything in between--from accountants to hospitals to arenas and parks.


Artguy_nyc t1_is89t8g wrote

In so doing , Everyone covered by the same insurance plan pays for it eventually. That’s pretty obvious and not the kind of solution I find practical. Multiply one case by the thousands and imagine premiums…. Their costs would certainly go up to compensate .