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cC2Panda t1_is4dtp2 wrote

That would be good but let's be real what are you actually going to get from these criminals?


jl250 t1_is65c78 wrote

Make them work in prison and give any profits generated to the small business owners for their losses.


SpikeMahogany t1_is80f39 wrote

Profits? This is only beneficial to areas lacking an econony to begin with....states with strong labor markets sound suffer fromh cheap prison labor in the long run....

However it is better if they are making items the jails needs anyway it's cheaper than buying it from a govt contract .


C_bells t1_isadfxw wrote

That would mean regulating corporations which is something we don’t do in Ronald Reagan’s beautiful free market America

Edit to clarify: Prisons are businesses. Also corporations are the ones using prison labor. So, good luck telling them that they have to essentially use their prison labor for something specific.


Artguy_nyc t1_iti9nmr wrote

What’s your alternative solution to free market?


C_bells t1_itktxv1 wrote

A regulated market.

A free market is not a static thing. We don’t have a 100% free market right now. It’s a gradient.

Imo, free markets can get quite ugly without enough regulation. For instance, right now many hospitals are shutting down their pediatric wards because they just aren’t as profitable as adult medicine.

Our healthcare system in general is a good example.

Aside from that, wealth inequality is just getting bad. Sure, we can let it get worse until it leads to a revolution where a ton of people die and cities burn, but we could also just tax the ultra rich or even have a maximum wage like we did pre-Reagan.

Anyway, that’s what I mean.


Artguy_nyc t1_iti9uci wrote

Love to know what that is, and more so where have you seen evidence of it’s success. I’ll be eagerly awaiting a realistic response


C_bells t1_itlmc1r wrote

>Love to know what that is

What *what* is?

And the success of what exactly? The success of regulating corporations?


Toilethyme t1_is5gcie wrote

Slave labor.


Artguy_nyc t1_is89c4m wrote

That’s a bit of a stretch. Unless your definition of convicted felon and slave are the same. I’m pretty certain there are some major differences between the two. I personally don’t support forced labor, or labor of any sort really. Goes against my ethos. However if an individual wrongfully and maliciously takes of another persons property, consumes it or destroys it…. And they have no means to pay back the debt they owe, what’s the solution ? Allow the debt to absorbed entirely by the person /persons who didn’t commit the illegal act? Everyone should be compensated when robbed of their rightful property. That compensation has to come from somewhere .