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stork38 t1_iu5n8s3 wrote

The headline is bogus. He spent the last 40 years working in academia, not as a practitioner.


MinefieldFly t1_iu60k94 wrote

You’re completely wrong.

He ran Juvenile Justice in DC, ran probation and parole in NYC, and worked in various government agencies that deal directly with NYC DOC.

I’ve been to a few dozen correctional facilities all over the country and Rikers was very obviously, far and away, the worst.


Lonewolf5333 t1_iu6tv76 wrote

Don’t overstate his resume he was running a Non-profit for most of his career until DeBum gave him a job. And the justice system he mostly dealt with was for juveniles not adults. Where he advocated for rehabilitation for juveniles which btw is failing spectacularly and if you think I’m just blowing smoke. Talk to any detective working in inner cities and ask them who are their habitual offenders are; car thieves, shooters, carjackers, other assaults. I don’t want to go off on a tangent

This is all political theater. Rikers is bad place okay let’s tear it down and build other jails to house accused murderers, rapists, robbers in your neighborhood. Because you know whose going to be disproportionately impacted by the creation of new jails lower-income minority communities. The usual dumping ground for these “reforms”. But at least detainees won’t be in cells infested with roaches.


MinefieldFly t1_iu6yq1j wrote

I didn’t overstate shit. OP called him a career academic, which is obviously wrong, and I named a couple of the other things he’s done, which include being a practitioner in corrections. Running a juvenile system is way more experience with the system than any activist or professor has.

Thanks for the tip on asking cops what they think about locking kids up. The absolute last fucking people in the world I need to hear more from on the subject.

Like I said, I’ve been to lots of prisons and jails. Rikers is worse than all of them. Grow up and realize there is a middle ground between letting everyone out and letting a facility turn into a humanitarian crisis.


Lonewolf5333 t1_iu73qf5 wrote

Okay so first thing first.

You keep reiterating the point that you’ve visited correctional facilities. With that in mind in what capacity did you visit them are an academic, were you employed by a facilities, did you have incarcerated family or friends?

  1. Imo you did overstate this guy’s position he’s hardly what I would consider an objective commentator. His life’s work is advocating for lesser sentencing. So with that mind-set do you think he’s really going to provide a fresh unbiased take on Rikers? Even though the general consensus maybe that Rikers is terrible, there still is a necessity for local correction facilities so how is that addressed?

  2. I know you score special points for being extra hateful for any mention of police. Would you feel better if I referenced school teachers or maybe workers in the Waste Management Department on the state of crime among juveniles?

Every time Rikers comes up it’s always the same bullshit rhetoric. People claiming that their cousin’s girlfriend, best friend knew a guy that was locked up for two years in Rikers for a traffic ticket. But in actuality Rikers houses people either awaiting trial for high degree felonies or awaiting sentencing. So it begs the question you take them out of Rikers where do you put them? Build more jails, release them, mix them with people being housed for non-violent offenses (like DUIs)? But I’m pretty sure you just have righteous indignation and not any real thoughts on the realities of shutting down Rikers.


MinefieldFly t1_iu7duaj wrote

I visited them in a professional capacity, and I have also visited rikers to visit someone.

You’re putting lots of words in my mouth about abolish the correctional system or something. Literally my only purpose here was to correct the highly upvoted comment on schiaraldi and vouch for the fact that rikers is more fucked up than most facilities.


Lonewolf5333 t1_iu8oxw2 wrote

Stop with your bullshit… I never implied that you advocating for abolishing the correctional system. But I guess you have to resort to these types of bullshit responses in order to disguise the fact that you have nothing to offer towards a real discussion about Rikers.

And why so defensive for this obvious political hack Schiaraldi? The guy was an administrator with obvious political bent. Why the fuck is he a trustworthy commentator? Being an Administrator is sure as fuck different than working as a teacher, nurse, even CO in jails. You know people that actually work daily in these institutions and interact with inmates. Not some guy sitting in a office at Kiddie Jail.


MinefieldFly t1_iu98s09 wrote

We weren’t discussing solving rikers, just whether schiraldi had any authority to speak on it, which he obviously does, even if you disagree with his viewpoint. Just like Molina or Brann or any CO or staffer or any detainee does.


v_for__vegeta t1_iu5twbl wrote

Ahhh …. another champagne Intellectual casting his infinite wisdoms on the plebs


seenew t1_iu5yrmk wrote

tf is a champagne intellectual


Lonewolf5333 t1_iu6rk7m wrote

I think this refers to wealthy usually white liberals who attempt to act as “saviors” instructing lower-income minorities on what is or isn’t good for them.


froggythefish t1_iu60aos wrote

I’m guessing it’s another term for armchair intellectual


seenew t1_iu62xcv wrote

it’s stupid anti-intellectualism is what it is