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[deleted] t1_it7iwsw wrote

I discovered the Patel Brothers market earlier this year and have been eating my way through every region of India and now Pakistan.


Rib-I t1_it7z73a wrote

Indo-Pak grocery stores are absolute gold mines for spices. You can get big ol bags of whole spices for wayyyyyy cheaper than that McCormick garbage you get gouged for in standard stores.


lilac2481 t1_it805xf wrote

I've noticed that as well. The spices at a regular market are stupid expensive.


Hummus_ForAll t1_it98q3i wrote

We’ve been getting spice gouged at supermarkets for years. Patel Bros, Apna Bazaar, and halal markets are the way to go!


ptolemy_sun t1_it8f9yw wrote


edman007 t1_it9amrc wrote

Yea, check country of origin on that stuff.

Places like Patel Brothers actually package a lot of their own stuff, so a surprising amount is from the US, but not all. I think most of the lead is really from specific countries with low amounts of regulation. Unfortunately, it means for the exotic spices, very often you're stuck getting it from a source that might not have many regulations in it's supply chain.


lilac2481 t1_it800zj wrote

The closest Patel Brothers to me is in Bellerose. The one in Jackson Heights is too far. You should also check out Maharaja Farmers Market in both Bellerose and Hicksville. I suggest you go to the one in Hicksville. The store is bigger and they have a better selection of items. They also have other international products as well.


spaetzelspiff t1_it8pnd1 wrote

My Indian peeps tell me Patel is legit.

Also, what cooler holiday could you add? Diwali 👌🏽 Holi 👌🏽 Susan B Anthony day? Nah. Feast of our Lady of Guadalupe? First day of the Succubus? Nahhhh.


Darrkman t1_it7z1dm wrote

There are a few school systems in the suburbs that already have Dwali off. We're talking very white Long Island. One uses it for internal meetings.

Still this is Reddit so you'll always have someone saying something stupid and this thread didn't disappoint.


[deleted] t1_itc69u0 wrote



Frodolas t1_itclc29 wrote

...they spend the same amount of days either way, this just moves them around.


FlexPavillion t1_itd2s59 wrote

I consider someone stupid that comments without bothering to read up on what they're talking about. A holiday isn't being added. This is replacing Brooklyn-Queens Day as a holiday.


manormortal t1_it7g1kg wrote

>better known to old-timers as “Brooklyn-Queens Day”



Piss off kid.


plants_pants t1_it903fw wrote

The DOE should just offer cultural days that anyone can take off with notice. If enough of the school system calls out, then the entire system has a day off


nycdataviz t1_itafxjb wrote

Indian Americans make up just 3% of the city’s population. So what % would be required to shut the school down? What’s difficult about this situation is that everyone loses the school day but a small number of students actually need the day off.

This is all fine as long as the days are made up. Otherwise it can become a virtually endless parade of required holidays that becomes disruptive to education, and specifically and disproportionately would affect NYC public school students because of the city’s diversity.


MonthApprehensive392 t1_itcui87 wrote

Yeah there is just no way to do this and make everyone happy. Unless schools just give up the goat and say that they don’t think days in class are important. The number of holidays and in services are already “most weeks”


malcolm816 t1_it8e0ce wrote

Good. Diwali is awesome.


KidAstoria t1_it9lgkf wrote

You can thank The Office for this.


drxnkmvnk t1_it967mt wrote

So put on your saris It's time to celebrate Diwali


fall3nmartyr t1_it7q31z wrote

Fuck yeah


iv2892 t1_it8ut3k wrote

I’m surprised by the positive feedback on this news


mojorisin622 t1_it9veub wrote

It's on a Sunday next year so no one will notice til 2024, when it's on November 1st, and all the Catholics can claim kids are off for All Saints Day.


Nickyluvs2cum t1_it911nr wrote

It’s always a cozy day to get off! I like the vibez . We homo this holiday in Jersey .


red__what t1_it982bj wrote

did post readers melt down in the comments yet? 😂


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smallint t1_it8ha8f wrote

Can we get February 27 too?


stork38 t1_itbasv4 wrote

Does adding all these holidays to the calendar extend the school year? Because Catholic schools end in early June while NYC public schools almost end in July.


bfume t1_itbrn11 wrote

Catholic schools do not have to abide by the state’s # of days mandate tho. Went to catholic school all my life and always held the late falls and early summers over friends’ heads

Btw: don’t send your kids to catholic school


FlexPavillion t1_itd2l3d wrote

A holiday isn't being added. It's replacing the day off for Brooklyn-Queens Day.


DifficultyNext7666 t1_itc6gjd wrote

I meant to ask my coworker this but forgot. Is this an Indian holiday or a Hindu holiday?


Frodolas t1_itcm11m wrote

Hindu, but culturally originates in the landmass that's now India so is celebrated to an extent by almost all communities in India.


-SmartOwl- t1_itc8wfu wrote

How about Lunar (Chinese) new year


lazerphace t1_it8sypz wrote

good, our kids are too smart. give them more time off


swampy13 t1_ita6umm wrote

Fine but improve the samosas. It's just chocolate, graham cracker and marshmallow. How hard can it be?


Saladcitypig t1_it7qg0b wrote

this man comes into a kitchen while people are trying to feed hungry kids with a box of powdered potatoes and puts a parsley leaf on top and wants us to believe he's doing his job.


carpy22 t1_it80gkf wrote

Sure, give Diwali off, but also keep Brooklyn-Queens Day. Just extend the school year by a day in June to keep the 180.


Obstinate_Turnip t1_itapz9r wrote

So I was today years old when I learned that diwali is a holiday. Also, that it's not pronounced as if there are two Wally's (I googled: its DIH-Wally, apparently -- just say Dear Wally, and take away the R in dear). And while I'm perfectly happy to add another holiday, doesn't it seem like, at this point, if you add one you need to take one away -- you can't have every day be a holiday or nothing will ever get done! I'm fine with removing Thanksgiving for Diwali (does anybody in the failed state known as the US have anything to be thankful for? -- I thought not) or X-mas for example. I still don't quite know what it celebrates (tried the wiki article, but tldr -- something to do with having lights; why not just call it Thomas Edison Day?).


lupuscapabilis t1_itbzrhq wrote

You’re in NY and have somehow avoided knowing anyone that’s Indian or celebrates Diwali? That’s amazing.


BaconEggnCheese611 t1_it8newo wrote

If we can have a holiday in March that sounds great, otherwise let's keep kids in school. We don't need another day off in June.


guiltypooh t1_it798ah wrote

“On the streets, they actually call him the Hindu mayor. He does it all — the plant based diet, the meditation,” she joked…. This is not a funny joke


jay5627 t1_it7fmnw wrote

If they give off holidays for one faith or background, they should give off for all, or none


HashtagDadWatts t1_it7h9o5 wrote

Schools were closed for Yom Kippur, and will be closed for Passover, Good Friday and Eid al-Fitr later this year.


jay5627 t1_it7i44x wrote

Ok? I wasn't saying not to give off for holidays. I was saying they shouldn't pick and choose which ones


Double-Ad4986 t1_it7oe0k wrote

you aren't saying anything at all really. they ARE giving off for special holidays for all religions—of course they pick special ones or they wouldn't meet the minimum required in-school days....


elizabeth-cooper OP t1_it7iu8l wrote

Yeah, no Eastern Orthodox Christmas? No St. Patrick's Day? What a bunch of racists.


bigdirty702 t1_it7pa3k wrote

St Patrick’s isn’t a real holiday.. they have no idea over there wtf we are celebrating on that day. Also it’s about student populations. The south Asian population is quite large in the north east. Cities up and down the east coast close schools for Diwali. No point keeping a school open if there aren’t any students. Diwali is celebrated by billions worldwide..


jay5627 t1_it7jj8f wrote

I never called anyone a racist but I appreciate you putting words in my mouth.

> “It is long overdue to say to our Hindu, Sikh, Jain and Buddhist students and communities that we see you, we acknowledge you,”

This is a good thing. They should acknowledge/celebrate other holidays as well. So, the opposite of racist?


elizabeth-cooper OP t1_it7jxjv wrote

I'm pretty sure Russian and Irish are not races, so perhaps I was being sarcastic to indicate that there are a number of groups that don't have a specific holiday off and if they gave off for every holiday that existed, there would be no school ever.

They're not even adding Diwali to the calendar, they're swapping it out for an existing holiday.


RayDeeUx t1_it8i3nu wrote

someone forgot about lunar new year closures