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bklyn1977 t1_ispzqc0 wrote

Vancouver is 25 times more boring than NYC


Dump_Bucket_Supreme t1_isqg35k wrote

vancouver is actually pretty sick


bklyn1977 t1_isqggqy wrote

The mountain scenery looks very nice but a resident once told me 'Vancouver has everything except a soul'


mountaingrrl_8 t1_isqz8w8 wrote

Some of my favourite years of my life so far have been in Vancouver. Lots of underground music and parties, impromptu beach and park sets with dancing, festivals, and all in the backdrop of mountains and oceans. It was a wild and fabulous few years that I look forward to sharing with my grandchildren one day.


isowater t1_issxpqy wrote

You can say the same about parts of the city as well


Chromewave9 t1_isreknh wrote

Everyone in Vancouver is only there to make money. Most would relocate to Silicon Valley if they could. It's no secret. There's a lack of culture because no one really cares for it.


gensouj t1_isq8kq4 wrote

Vancouver has 25 times better Asian food


EQUASHNZRKUL t1_isqtj1h wrote

You can get better in Flushing 100%


gensouj t1_isqvj4v wrote

nah been to both, vancouver is way better than flushing 100%


Chromewave9 t1_isrenbc wrote

Toronto and Vancouver have way better authentic Chinese food. Not even close. Their shit is fancy as hell, too.


Civil_Enginerd t1_ist6dm5 wrote

As someone who has been to both, no. NYCs is more authentic. All restaurants in Canada are owned by like 2 companies, so while Asian food MIGHT taste better in Vancouver, it tastes the exact same as every other place.


cerealverse t1_isvpu10 wrote

? Which two companies


Civil_Enginerd t1_isyp1ho wrote

Recipe Unlimited and MTY Group


cerealverse t1_isz10eq wrote

You go to chain restaurants and complain about how they taste the same everywhere?

Do you think Chinese restaurants in Richmond are owned by either of the two?

I’ve been to Van and NY and Van is without a doubt better in terms of Chinese food


Civil_Enginerd t1_ita8u82 wrote

Even decent restaurants are part of chains. If you go to more than one Canadian city, you see the same restaurants in various Canadian cities. They’re all franchises, even if they’re not part of the big 2.


cerealverse t1_itaefa2 wrote


What you said is so open to interpretation and one sided, I don’t even know how to reply to you.

What would be considered as a good/decent restaurant? Where did you go when you were in Vancouver/NYC?

How about this, since we both went to Waterloo / Toronto, why don’t you tell me which Chinese/ Asian restaurants you’ve been to?

It is absolutely not true decent ones are all franchised, btw places like rice noodles or whatever are not considered to be decent. Those are considered to be fast food restaurants.


Farrell-Mars t1_issze2h wrote

I doubt that. Go to Flushing.


arsbar t1_ist9ec1 wrote

OP has been to both, so have I. With no snark intended, you should try Richmond (Vancouver’s analog to flushing).


btkk t1_isqj2aa wrote

I lived in NYC for 5 years and now I'm living in Vancouver, and I gotta tell you something, the only two better things nyc has over Vancouver is night life and overall better restaurants (michellan stars wise), besides of that Vancouver > NYC


thwompz t1_isrbu78 wrote

Guess you didn’t go to museums, concerts, Broadway shows, or comedy clubs while in New York then


iliveoffofbagels t1_issiwye wrote

To be fair to btkk... he did say we have better night life in NYC, which includes concerts, Broadway, comedy clubs... even if they all technically have day time options.


Chromewave9 t1_isrez2q wrote

I have family who live in Vancouver and have been living there for decades. The only reason they are there is for the money - much like everyone else there. There's not much to do in Canada like the States so if you're not in Toronto or Vancouver, there's nothing else to do besides doing something nature-y. Montreal used to be nice but it's pretty ghetto in most areas.


arsbar t1_istch8a wrote

I honestly don’t think many people are living in Vancouver for the money. One of its major problems is that the economy and development of the city cannot keep up with its desirability — most workers struggle to afford it.

People earning a premium (over what they’d get in other cities) is rare in Vancouver. And it’s often a major reason when people leave the city (it was a contributing factor for my gf and me).