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Dump_Bucket_Supreme t1_isqg35k wrote


bklyn1977 t1_isqggqy wrote

The mountain scenery looks very nice but a resident once told me 'Vancouver has everything except a soul'


mountaingrrl_8 t1_isqz8w8 wrote

Some of my favourite years of my life so far have been in Vancouver. Lots of underground music and parties, impromptu beach and park sets with dancing, festivals, and all in the backdrop of mountains and oceans. It was a wild and fabulous few years that I look forward to sharing with my grandchildren one day.


isowater t1_issxpqy wrote

You can say the same about parts of the city as well


Chromewave9 t1_isreknh wrote

Everyone in Vancouver is only there to make money. Most would relocate to Silicon Valley if they could. It's no secret. There's a lack of culture because no one really cares for it.
