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OverlordXenu t1_itm7s1p wrote

man, anyone who can pass the bar can make enough money without needing to work for landlords. that's a choice.


jmacks88 t1_itmwggo wrote

Good luck paying off law school loans working for the city.


OverlordXenu t1_itontst wrote

i have multiple friends doing this right now? $74k is not poverty wages.


jmacks88 t1_itq16y4 wrote

Who said poverty? Try living in NYC and paying off a, likely, 6 or high 5 figure loan. Most normal people would much rather work for a customer who pays better for the same service.


OverlordXenu t1_itspg6m wrote

i… have multiple friends… doing this right now… they can afford their loans and a 1 bedroom and their lives.


jmacks88 t1_itspxv7 wrote

A 1 br is not sustainable for a family. Sounds like your friends are young and single with little to no dependents. Not so easy when you have kids and/or multiple people depending on your support. I guarantee they grow up and get smacked by reality.


[deleted] t1_ittiywg wrote



jmacks88 t1_itvuil2 wrote

One would think it’s pretty obvious that when referring to people with jobs, a lot of them have children. Sounds like you’re some ignorant 25 year old whose barely entered the real world. Try reality for a few more years before getting back to me.


AceofJax89 t1_itna7mg wrote

That's not true, the attorneys working for legal aid will probably make 60-70k a year starting, quickly pop up to 100k maybe, then slowly build to 140ish? That may seem like big money to those in need, but with 300k+ in loans for some, it isn't feasible. Attorney's at big firms that work for large corporations make 215k to start and make 400k+ after a few years, then seven figures as an equity partner. That is a hard path though.

You can't give everyone a right to something then not find it.


OverlordXenu t1_itonw06 wrote

well, good thing there's public service forgiveness loans…


AceofJax89 t1_itoolul wrote

The PSLF program has been a shitshow, it can be good, but it's still not a big enough difference $$$ wise for many.

$$$ is just one issue too, generally, these are not fun cases for lawyers to deal with. Many clients aren't the exploited underclass, and many times the Landlord is simply in the right.