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StevenXBusby t1_itvk3rb wrote

Nonsense. Requiring id? Having a somewhat limited period to vote? All logical. How are these high hurdles?


Sunmoonearth87 t1_itvwlgq wrote

You sure you want to challenge me on this? Because in your column we have “suppressing votes for literally no reason except to make democracy weaker” and in my column we have “realizes voter fraud is a literal nullity and wants to increase voter participation wherever possible.” I am honestly so sick of your kind. You should be ashamed of yourself for wanting voting to be harder.


StevenXBusby t1_iu9f9f4 wrote

I’m sure. You go to the polling place and vote. So hard. Everything else is ripe for corruption. And with Hillary and Stacy saying republicans steal elections. Isn’t that what we need?


Sunmoonearth87 t1_iu9iuel wrote

Haha so you’re basically a “big steal” believer. Yeah that tracks. That’s actually exactly what trump tried to do, steal the election when he knew he was going to lose and then after he actually lost. Get bent dude. The only risk to democracy is republicans pretending they won when they didn’t and suppressing votes. There’s literally no other “corruption” at large in the voting process. None, zero. You aren’t worth talking to.


Sunmoonearth87 t1_iu9iwxo wrote

And yeah it is hard in some places, in Arizona right now armed men are “guarding” ballot drop boxes. Your kind is literally disgusting.


Sunmoonearth87 t1_itvwclp wrote

Because I know it’s very difficult for people like you to grasp this concept but not everyone has id. NYS does not require an id and hasn’t for years and has no issues with voter fraud. In fact any of the issues these laws are supposed to remedy are literally imaginary. Voter fraud is so rare as to be a nullity.

Now I just wonder why people like you want to make it harder for others to vote? Could it be because the more people vote the worse it is for republicans? I sure do wonder.


StevenXBusby t1_iu9fj3l wrote

People too incompetent to have/get ID shouldn’t get a vote. Id bet you want open borders and illegal aliens to vote too.


Sunmoonearth87 t1_iu9jcab wrote

No it’s good keep talking you’re just exposing who you are. FYI voting is not a privilege, it’s a constitutionally protected right. But yeah I know why you and yours want to make it harder. Because when it’s easier you lose more. And lol here comes the illegal aliens talk because of course. Can’t have an honest discussion about voting without hysteria over illegal aliens voting which pretty much never happens.