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secretactorian t1_itmew95 wrote

If you're complaining because you're having a hard time dating in this city, then --

1.) Everyone has a difficult time dating here. There's a literal people buffet, it's an expensive city, and there are a lot of money-driven people here. It's New York. 2.) Dating apps have more men than women on there, so if that's your go-to, might be time to try something else to meet potential partners. 2.) If you smell shit everywhere, might be time to take a look at your own shoes. Your posts describe yourself as an incel. Dunno what to tell you other than women are wisening up to shitty men and raising their standards, so you should probably do some work on yourself. No one owes you a date.


Barbacuda OP t1_itmfmhm wrote

Yeah except that shitty men still get plenty of women as long as they are of the right socioeconomic status. So you telling me to work on myself is pretty moot. I have and it still will never be enough. And it's not like it's unique to me. The avg guy now isn't having sex either.


secretactorian t1_itmgy25 wrote

Dude, your responses are so telling. Thanks for making the red flags so obvious.


Barbacuda OP t1_itmh7d6 wrote

So telling... How is it telling if I don't say any of this to anyone irl? Ofcourse the moment I respond with reality you scoff at it and just say it's red flags. Meanwhile plenty of horrible abusive men are partnered up with women. Explain that


secretactorian t1_itmualx wrote

Why don't you explain it? Go do some research with legitimate reference material (peer reviewed papers, books by people with doctorates in psychology) and then you tell me.

You can still give off nonverbal vibes that drive people away.


delightedcustomer t1_itmdvpx wrote

You keep posting variations of the same stuff and not following any advice

Just workout Move out Have a higher paying job Stop being salty at the world


Barbacuda OP t1_itmf333 wrote

Yeah move out and let my parents go homeless. This is exactly what I'm talking about. Real bootstraps mentality


delightedcustomer t1_itmfekd wrote

Move out, get a job, and support your parents. Organize a home health aide from the city if the support is also physical. You’re not the only one who has had to do that. You’re 30(?) years old.

“Progressive women dating white guys” are the least of your problems.


Barbacuda OP t1_itmg19y wrote

I already have a job paying more than both my parents ever made. It's still not enough to move out and still support them. And ironically enough my mom is a home health aid. My parents and sibling don't need physical support. They need a roof over their heads and food and not having to worry about homelessness


delightedcustomer t1_itmgmqt wrote

Earning more than what HHAs earn isn’t wildly impressive. HHAs absolutely do hard work and should be paid more, but their pay in nyc isn’t good. So you are not impressing women with that.

You’re also a self-described incel. And you highlight your baldness. Frankly, you sound ghastly and unappealing. Women have nothing to do with this.

It’s great you’re caring of your siblings/family but it almost appears as an unresolved trauma, which has made you pissy and annoyed at the world, as evidenced by your post history.

You can take people’s advice to do better or you can keep screaming into the garbage can. Up to you


Barbacuda OP t1_itmhqbe wrote

I make significantly more than an hha. I make more than the median income even. What am I supposed to do about being bald? If you say this makes me ghastly what am I supposed to do about something I can't change? Thank you for proving my point. You showed exactly what the dating scene is and what people's opinions are of men they consider beneath them.

You clearly don't give a fuck about my family or the many immigrant families currently in my situation. But publicly and at your job I bet you talk about how kind and caring and progressive you are.

Very progressive until an undesirable attempts to date.


delightedcustomer t1_itmi9ve wrote

Where are you getting my immigration status, my race status, my progressivism percentage, and even my sex and gender from? You’re undesirable because you’re angry, full of excuses, and yourself highlight how you’re a low-hanging fruit in the sexual marketplace (“I’m a bald incel”). Give it a rest and work on self improvement. People have given you enough free tips


Barbacuda OP t1_itmiz9p wrote

Yeah because I was born like this.. I was always angry and hopeless. took a lot of years to get here. I don't need to know your race or gender or anything to assume that you're aligned with the typical neoliberal NYC mentality that just scoffs at incels and brushes the socioeconomic reality of what people like me are experiencing.


TheAffiliateOrder t1_itmeg19 wrote

Dude, I'm saying this as an African American...
Liberalism, Woke/Identity Politics are one of the worst things to happen to this country in the past decade or so...

I've dealt with more Racism and categorization from Left-Leaning (ex)"friends" than I ever did from some random Trump supporter or conservative.

I've legit had way more exclusion from my Liberal friends for not thinking like they do and even found myself screwed over by an ex friend, after I called her out for enabling her husband to make racist "13/50" jokes, by commenting "lol" whenever he did it...
She blocked me for asking her why she soapboxes so much for equal rights, BLM, but stops the buck at her racist breadwinner.

I don't fuck with Liberals anymore and I'm legit about to leave NYC for Denver, again...
Still blue, but NYC is a shithole and only has Liberal transplants and welfare dodgers who are taking advantage of "poor me" politics, in order to commit crimes and make black people look even worse.


Barbacuda OP t1_itmgfvp wrote

Honestly nothing worse than a new York liberal. They say they right things but are the literal demons of society that have gotten us into our current socioeconomic issues


TheAffiliateOrder t1_itmh3k8 wrote

It's obnoxious, really...
Watched all of my homies go from relatively okay people in 2014, to getting caught up in all of the "Koolaid" and eventually straight up just finding any old reason to label and box each other.

Started with some friends worried about Trump and what would happen to illegal immigrants, next thing you know... I'm going to bars and people are lambasting me for being an Anarchist and not liking either Hillary OR Trump as candidates, shit only got worst from there.

The two downvotes from clowns is another sign of that.
Social Media has tricked people into thinking that consensus matters more than truth- which has been utilized by both sides, to no end.
Now, it doesn't matter who's right or wrong- people look at the number of folks in agreement.
This has led to sooo many stupid opinions and a fuckton of entitlement culture.


Barbacuda OP t1_itmieij wrote

Our oligarchs have done an amazing job at dividing people up among party lines, racial lines, identity lines. People get all riled up over bullshit, while letting the wealthy get away with screwing us all economically.


TheAffiliateOrder t1_itmjcri wrote

Yep. Watching "accountability" become a virtue signal was one thing, but watching things get so bad in this country and that same word seem to not be mentioned, when it came time for Liberals to own up to their own fake shit was pretty much it for me.
I realized that this country is fucked from the inside, out.
It is what it is though... I'm out, lol.